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dc.contributor.authorTure Golicha, Ture Golicha
dc.description.abstractThe pastoralists communities mostly inhabiting the ASALs regions have been affected by drought since their economic activity is livestock keeping which is affected by drought due to lack of rainfall that reduces water and forage availability. The current ability of pastoralists to respond to drought is limited increasing frequency of drought, increasing population, a dwindling resource base, conflict, changes in access to land and water, as well as the impact of other shocks such as flooding and disease outbreaks. Despite the numerous studies documented on the disaster risk project management, the political, economic and social marginalization of most pastoralists, decades of adverse national policies which have restricted their access to key natural resources, increased frequency and intensity of climate shocks such as drought, and endemic conflict have all contributed to significantly undermine their resilience. The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of pastoralist drought management practices on their livelihoods in Isiolo North Sub-County, Kenya. This study sought to investigate the effects of drought contingency planning, drought relief strategy, rehabilitation mechanism and policies for drought resilience on pastoralists’ livelihoods in Isiolo North Sub-County. The research was designed as a cross sectional descriptive study. The target respondents included household heads and key informants who include local leaders (usually local chiefs, elders, community/clan leaders), livestock officers, NDMA, politicians and County Government officials), pastoralists from Isiolo North Sub- County and civil society personnel. According to Krejcie and Morgan (1970), a sample corresponding to the target population of 14,325 is 375 households. In addition, five government technical staff and five stakeholders’ key informants were included making a total sample of 384 respondents. The researcher relied on questionnaires for household heads while the key informants were interviewed. Qualitative data was analyzed using frequencies percentages, means and standard deviations. Multivariate regression was undertaken to test the relationship between the variables and enable the researcher generalize results from the sample to the population. Tables and figures were used to present the data. The study found that most of the areas in Isiolo North Sub County are frequently struck by drought and water scarcity putting the pastoralists at a great drought disaster. The study deduces that the pastoralists are familiar with drought contingency planning. Drought relief strategy affects drought disaster risk reduction in Isiolo North. The pastoralists are knowledgeable about rehabilitation mechanism as a mitigation strategy. The study ascertained that rehabilitation mechanism as a mitigation strategy is not carried at the right time of the drought cycle. The study recommends the community, planners, professionals and the implementers of drought disaster risk management need to realize and rise to the awakening that drought affected people have the learning and the strength to develop coping and survivability capacities. There is a need to enhance community communication and feedback mechanism in the county. The study also recommends that the government of Kenya and development agencies working in the area need to invest in the provision of credit facilities to the pastoralists to assist them in coping with droughts. The study recommends funds should be allocated for effective supplementary feeding programmesen_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Nairobien_US
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States*
dc.titleInfluence Of Pastoralists’ Drought Management Practices On Their Livelihoods: A Case Of Isiolo North Subcountyen_US

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