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dc.contributor.authorMugambi, Philip Aciita
dc.description.abstractProvision of water services is squarely a devolved function and counties have the bigger role of ensuring their residents have access to clean and safe water. In this regard many strategies have been put in place to ensure water available is adequate. These efforts have faced a myriad of challenges which has greatly affected service delivery. Water is one of the most important natural resource and the availability of safe water is critical not just for health reasons, but also for social and economic development. The purpose of the study was to establish the factors influencing implementation of augmentation of water treatment projects by county government in Kenya; a case of Meru Water and Sewerage Services. The specific objectives of this research project were to determine the influence of financial resources, leadership, staff competency and political factors on the augmentation of water treatment projects by county governments in Kenya. The study adopted a descriptive research design and the target population was 135 management and heads of sections which included county executive committee members (CECM), Chief officers, county directors, MEWASS management/technical staff and Members of County Assemblies (MCA’s). The study adopted a census which allowed all the 135 respondents to participate in the study, however only 109 respondents returned their questionnaires representing an approximate response rate 81%. Data was collected using a questionnaire. To test reliability of this questionnaire Split half method was applied in Isiolo water and Sewerage Company. Descriptive statistics such as frequencies, percentages and multiple regression were used to test the significance of the overall model at 95% level of significance. Data analysis was done by use software program-SPSS version 22. The analyzed data was presented using tables. Data collected indicated that majority of the respondents were male at 75.5% while 24.5% were women. In addition, majority of the respondents had a bachelor’s degree at 60.6%. This illustrated that employees had skills which could be utilized to transform the water sector. The findings revealed that the respondents strongly agreed that there were several sources that finance water augmentation projects in Meru County as indicated by a mean of 4.68 and that the funds received for water augmentation projects in Meru County are not adequate to undertake the projects to completion which was indicated by a mean of 2.11. It was also established that the funds allocated for water augmentation projects in Meru County are not reliable and that they are not timely which was indicated by a mean of 2.93. As per the findings at 95% confidence level political factors had the greatest effect, followed by financial resources, then staff competency while leadership had the least effect on augmentation of water projects. The study concludes that financial resources, leadership, political factors and staff competency have a positive and significant influence on augmentation of water projects. The study recommends that the county governments should hold trainings on public governance and provide more resources in the strategy management process on matters water. In future studies, researchers should also consider exploring other variables that may influence the augmentation of water treatment projects such as technology and community participation.en_US
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States*
dc.titleFactors Influencing Augmentation Of Water Treatment Projects By County Governments In Kenya: A Case Of Meru Water And Sewerage Services, Meru Countyen_US

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