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dc.contributor.authorIkonya, Maureen M
dc.description.abstractYouth are the pillars to a country’s economy and they play a big role in bringing social improvement and change in their communities. Youth group projects are crucial in empowerment and improvement of the youths and for effective implementation of the youth group projects increased participation of youths needs to be encouraged, human resources should be sufficient in terms of increased youth participation, skills and financial resources need to be available for the success of the projects. In Kiambu County, Kiandutu slums is one of the largest slums, the youths are socially excluded, lack education and are trapped in poverty cycle. This leads to high rate of unemployment and illiteracy. The Government vision of 2030 aims at empowering young people by providing them with funds to run projects in their community but challenges of sustainability and participation are still there. The purpose of this study was to investigate factors influencing implementation of youth group projects in Kiandutu slums. The study sought to investigate the following objectives; to determine how youth participation influence implementation of youth group projects; to evaluate the extent to which financial resources influence implementation of youth group projects; to examine how capacity building influence implementation of youth group projects; to assess how socio-cultural factors influence implementation of youth group projects. The study adopted descriptive survey research design. It was both qualitative and quantitative. The target population of the study comprised 10 youth groups consisting of 350 members and the sample size consisted of 186 respondents of which 5 of them are informants from the Uwezo Fund which was arrived at by using Krejcie and Morgan table for determining sample size. Primary data was collected using questionnaires and interview guides were used to collect data from key informants. The completed questionnaires were coded and entered into SPSS tool, analyzed and presented in forms of percentages, frequencies, correlation and regression. The study findings were interpreted based on the study objectives. Conclusion and recommendation were thereafter drawn. 140 of the youth responded and returned the questionnaires. The study found out that respondents are involved in decision making and implementation of youth group projects which leads to better decisions and achievement of group objectives. The results indicated that there is positive correlation significant at 0.245 between youth participation and implementation of youth group projects, therefore youth’s participation is crucial for implementation of youth projects. The study showed that majority 42.9% agreed that availability of skills has an impact on youth projects. They stated that entrepreneurial skills are the most effective at 47.1%. The study shows that there was a positive correlation between capacity building which was 0.358 that was statistically significant. The study revealed that most of the youths agreed that 55.7% finances are necessary. Finances are an important resource, and are necessary for implementation of youth group activities. Correlation was 0.260. Majority of the youths 47.9% agreed that socio-cultural environment influences implementation of youth group projects. There was a positive correlation 0.180 that was statistically significant. The findings will be of importance to the youths will help them identify and learn ways of successfully implementing their projects and achieving sustainability. Government to understand challenges affecting youth group projects and come up with interventions that will lead to the success of the projects. To financial lending institutions such as micro credit facilities the findings will assist in creating approachable youth services so that the youths can access funds that will help in improving their livelihoods.en_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Nairobien_US
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States*
dc.subjectYouth Group Projects Fundeden_US
dc.titleFactors Influencing Implementation of Youth Group Projects Funded by Uwezo Fund: a Case of Kiandutu Slums Kiambu County, Kenya.en_US
dc.contributor.supervisorMulwa, Angeline

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