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dc.contributor.authorKosgei, Jeruto Rachel
dc.description.abstractStudents’ discipline is an important aspect for a school to achieve academic excellence. However, in most public secondary schools, lack of discipline among students is still a threat to their academic performance. More so, in the field of academia, few studies have attempted to ascertain the relationship between discipline and the academic performance of students. The purpose of the study was to investigate effects of students’ discipline on their academic performance in public secondary in Vihiga sub-county, Kenya. The objectives of the study were: to determine extent to which truancy affects academic performance of students, to assess the effect of students’ examination cheating on their academic performance, to examine ways in which students’ vandalism of teaching and learning resources affect their academic performance and to establish extent to which students’ homework affects their academic performance. The study targeted 27 schools, 326 teachers and 4500 students in Vihiga sub-county. In this study 8 deputy principal, 87 teachers and 227 students were respondents. The study adopted descriptive survey design. Stratified random sampling method was used to select the respondents. Questionnaires and scheduled interviews with deputy principals were administered to the respondents. Data obtained from the interviews and questionnaires was processed and analyzed using Statistical package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 20.0. Qualitative data was subjected to descriptive statistics while quantitative data was subjected to correlation analysis using Pearson correlation and regression co-efficient. From the study findings, truancy was the most form of indiscipline at 50 percent (deputy principles), 32.2 percent (teachers) and 51.9 percent(students). The common form of truancy as stated by students and teachers was skipping of lessons and absenteeism respectively. Deputy Principals (87.5 percent), students (83.3 percent) and teachers (85 percent) supported that truancy affects students’ academic performance. Deputy principles (87.5 percent), teachers (62.07 percent) and students (71.37 percent) agreed that there is examination cheating in the schools. Common effect of examination cheating was undeserved grades, (deputy principals at 50 percent), cancellation of results (teachers at 49.4 percent and students at 60.8 percent). Deputy principles at 75 percent and teachers at 92 percent agreed vandalism is common in schools. At p=0.001, vandalism and the academic performance of students correlated at r=0.365. Homework and the academic performance of students positively correlated at p=0.001and r=0.376.To reduce indiscipline the study recommends strict and regular marking of registers by class teachers. The students who are found cheating in examination should be suspended from sitting examination for two years. Guidance and counseling should be done to the students on effect of vandalism. Teachers should give homework after every lesson and mark, to ensure students have done it.en_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Nairobien_US
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States*
dc.titleEffect Of Students’ Discipline On Their Academic Performance In Public Secondary Schools In Vihiga Sub-County, Kenyaen_US

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