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dc.contributor.authorMahamud, Mohamed A
dc.description.abstractPeace and stability among different communities in a country have an important bearing on social economic development of a nation. Most African countries have majority of their citizen living in extreme poverty despite being blessed with rich mineral deposits and other natural resources. The study identified the factors that influence conflict resolutions among pastoral and agricultural communities in Gilgil sub-county of Nakuru county, Kenya. The purpose of study is to seek and understand factors which influence inter communal conflict resolutions. The objectives of the research are to determine how administrative structures, resource distribution, social cultural factors and leadership influence inter communal conflict resolution among pastoral and agricultural communities in Gilgil. It is the backdrop of important facts that peace and stability among different communities in a country have an important bearing on social economic development of a nation. Wars have negative effect of discouraging investments for economic growth in an area. The two communities Maasai and kikuyu communities have had the cycles of peace followed by heightened animosities that are a concern to the local administrators. The significance of this study was to benefit different stakeholders where communities in conflict would thereafter on assimilation of this study live in cohesiveness for they would understand the dynamics and usefulness of living in harmony. The research design is descriptive with the target population of 64,623 comprising of agriculturist and pastoralist. A sample of 382 respondents was selected from the four wards of Gilgil constituency. Focus group discussions and interview correspondents were used to collect the required analysis. Primary data was gathered by the use of questionaries’ that was piloted to determine its reliability and validity prior to being administered to the respondents. This study employed the use of statistical packages for social sciences (SPSS) for data analysis. Further it underscored the use of tables, figures, charts and graphs in data presentation. The study benefits communities in conflict, truth, justice and reconciliation commission, policy makers and researchers in understanding the dynamics and usefulness of living in peace and harmony.en_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Nairobien_US
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States*
dc.subjectFactors Influencing Intercommunal Conflict Resolution- the Case of Pastoral and Agricultural Communities in Gilgil, Nakuru County, Kenyaen_US
dc.titleFactors Influencing Intercommunal Conflict Resolution- the Case of Pastoral and Agricultural Communities in Gilgil, Nakuru County, Kenyaen_US

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