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dc.contributor.authorKamau, Stella
dc.description.abstractOver a period of three decades, perennial ethnic based attacks have been experienced in Sigowet Sub County that have affected the people living in the area. Focusing on loss of breadwinners, displacement of parents and teachers, property destruction and how provision of security influences learners’ access to public primary education. The study used descriptive survey research design due to its ability to collect data in a systematic way. The target population comprised of classes 7 and 8 pupils, head-teachers, teacher counselors, educational officers, and parents. Cluster sampling was utilized to sample those who participated in the study whereby the Sub-County was divided into zones as defined by the Ministry of Education. Quantitative data was collected through the use of a questionnaire and data analyzed using SPSS computer software version 20. Descriptive statistics were used to calculate frequencies and percentages while inferential statistics were used to establish cross-tabulation of data. Analyzed data was presented in forms of tables. Qualitative data was collected through the use of interview guide analyzing it thematically and presented in form of narratives. The study found out that loss of family breadwinners, displacements of parents and teachers, destruction of property and lack of security influence negatively learners’ access to primary education in the sub-county. The study established that it was the responsibility of the central government through the Ministry of Internal Security, the county government, local political leaders, stakeholders, area chiefs and their assistants to ensure there is a long-lasting peaceful coexistence and security amongst the communities living along the borders of Sigowet sub-county. The findings of this study are expected to bring an understanding on how ethnic conflicts influence learners’ access to primary education whereby school administrators and board of managements are expected to use the findings of this study to create awareness on effects of ethnic conflicts on learners’ access to education and the importance of maintaining sustainable peace in the society which will enhance provision of quality education in schools. The study recommends that further research be done on the psychological impact of ethnic animosity on pupils and teachers in Sigowet sub-county and suggests that a similar study be replicated focusing on other areas in Kenya that are prone to ethnic animosityen_US
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States*
dc.subjectInfluence of ethnic conflicts on learners’ access to education in public primary schools at Sigowet sub-county of Kericho county-Kenya.en_US
dc.titleInfluence of ethnic conflicts on learners’ access to education in public primary schools at Sigowet sub-county of Kericho county-Kenya.en_US

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