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dc.contributor.authorOmogi, Cynthia, A
dc.description.abstractThis istudy isought ito idetermine ithe ihuman iresource imanagement ichallenges iin star rated hotels in Nakuru County. iThe iobjective iwas to determine the human resource management challenges faced by star rated hotels in Nakuru County and to establish the mitigation measures that have been put in place to overcome the human resource management challenges faced by star rated hotels. The study adopted a descriptive cross sectional survey design in which all 19 star rated hotels in Nakuru County were studied. Data was collected using a structured questionnaire, descriptive statistics and fator analysis were used to analyse the data. The study results revealed that resource management challenges faced by the star rated hotels in Nakuru County include; challenges in the training iand idevelopment iof iour istaff iin ithe idifferent icategories, ichallenges iin icarrying iout iperformance iappraisal iexercises iand iperformance imanagement iin igeneral, iproblems iin ihealth, isafety, iand iwelfare imatters ifor staff and lose trained, skilled and experienced employees due to rampant poaching. The study finally concluded that Mitigation Measures that Have Been Put in Place to Overcome the Human iResource iManagement iChallenges iFaced iby star rated hotels in Nakuru County include; fostering a new culture of continuous learning amid this pandemic, strategies to attract top talent by providing adequate requirements for the job and the organization, embracing change with grace and ease by training ion ithe ihard iand isoft iskills ithey'll ineed ito icope iwith ithe ichange iand icreating ia iquality iemployee iexperience iby icreating ian iemployee iexperience ithat’s ia inotch iabove ithe icompetition.en_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Nairobien_US
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States*
dc.subjectHuman Resource Management Challenges in Star Rated Hotels, Nakuru County Kenyaen_US
dc.titleHuman Resource Management Challenges in Star Rated Hotels, Nakuru County Kenyaen_US

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