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dc.contributor.authorOsumo, Michael, N
dc.description.abstractLean manufacturing practices (LMP) facilitates the firms’ ability to increase the level of productivity in a firm and cut on wastes in the production process. Minimal cost of operation, smaller lead times, and higher quality product are all advantages of lean manufacturing. This study was set to examine extent of LMP application on LSMF in Nairobi, for purpose of ascertainitseffect on LMP and operational performance of LSMF; to examine the shortcoming of LSMFimplimentation. The rsearch was guided by the following study objectives; to examine the extent of LMP application in Nairobi LSMF for purposes of ascertain its effect on LMP, LSMF operational performance and to establish the challenges faced in the implementation of LSMF. In the conceptual framework, the independent variables were LMP which include: JIT, Kaizen TQM, Five S’s and Poka-Yoke while the dependent variable was Operational Performance measured by cost, time and quality. The study adopted a descriptive research design and data collection was done using questionnaires from respondents which was adopted in the research methodology. The primary tool for collecting data was a questionnaire, which was administered by the researchers dropped and picked the questionnaire later. Data analysis adopted methos for the research were descriptive statistics, regression and correlation analysis. The study findings indicate that on a moderate extent, LMP have been implemented by LSMF’s in Nairobi County. These findings show that a positive relationship exists between the LMP and operational performance. In the model summary, fifty four percent of quality and fifty five percent of both cost and timeliness as measures of operational performance were affected by implementation of LMP. Inadequate resources, high capital need poor organizational culture among other challenges. Further studies need to focus on the solutions to the challenges facing the implementation of LMP. The researchers therefore recommend trainings on LMP and their roles, government support in resource mobilization, collaborations with relevant stakeholders among others. The study was limited to LMF’s in Nairobi County; therefore, the results might not be conclusive for other sectors other than the LMF’s. More research can be undertaken on the variables outside the study. In second objective this study ascertained that fifty four percent of quality, fifty nine percent of both cost and timeliness is affected by implementation of LMP. To achieve the best out of any practice in an organization, there is need for full or almost 100% implementation of that particular practice. This study ascertained that LMP implimentation was moderate within Nairobi LSMF. To achieve full or almost full implementation, there is need for more training of the LSMF’s staff in Nairobi on LMP and the role it plays in improving their performance. There is need for employee involvement, top management commitment, favorable culture in the implementation of LMP. Besides the management needs to avail adequate resources that will help facilitate implementation of LMP to achieve better levels of performance. Policies need to be put in place to help implement LMP to the fullest in the firm. Besides, there is need for the LSMF to ascertain the other LMP that can be adopted to enhance better levels of operational performance. Other variables need to be included in the future research since they were not included within this research.en_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Nairobien_US
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States*
dc.subjectLean Manufacturing Practices and Operational Performance of Large Scale Manufacturing Firms in Nairobi, Kenyaen_US
dc.titleLean Manufacturing Practices and Operational Performance of Large Scale Manufacturing Firms in Nairobi, Kenyaen_US

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