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dc.contributor.authorMuia, Esther N
dc.description.abstractProject implementation drivers such as community participation, capacity building, resource mobilization and monitoring and evaluation are critical in water projects. Almost, three-quarters of the population across the world are the poor who reside within the rural areas, and a huge proportion of this populace lack accessibility of safe and clean wa`ter facilities. The stu`dy purpose w`as to assess h`ow project implemen`tation drivers influe`nces perform`ance of wa`ter proje`cts in Tharaka Nithi Cou`nty, Ken`ya. Specifically, the study was founded on fo`ur object`ives; to exa`mine the influence of community participation on performance of water projects, to establish how capacity building influ`ence per`formance of water pro`jects, to establish how resource mobilization influence per`formance of water pro`jects and to examine how monit`oring and eva`luation influence per`formance of water pro`jects. T`he stu`dy w`as founded on Masl`ow’s the`ory of hier`archy of ne`eds, Arnstein’s participatory the`ory and prog`ram the`ory. This st`udy employed descri`ptive survey res`earch desi`gn. The stu`dy targe`ted 473 project stakeholders including project managers, site agents, water users and members of project committee. The sample size was 217. T`he stu`dy u`sed pri`mary d`ata which w`as colle`cted by u`se of question`naires. The question`naires were selfadmini `stered th`rough dro`p and pic`k la`ter met`hod. The an`alysis of the da`ta w`as done with assistance of Stati`stical Pac`kage for So`cial Scie`nces (SPSS Ver`sion 25.0). Every questionnaire that was received was referen`ced and ite`ms in the question`naire were coded to fac`ilitate entry of data. Cleaning of data that included che`cking for er`rors in en`try was also done. For quanti`tative data, descriptive statistics like frequencies, per`centages, means and stan`dard devia`tion was approximated and findings presen`ted in for`m of ta`bles. The qualit`ative data from the op`en-end`ed ques`tions we`re an`alyzed usi`ng them`atic cont`ent ana`lysis and presen`ted in narr`ative for`m. Inferential data statistics such multi`ple regre`ssion anal`ysis was used to determine the association amongst the indepen`dent and depen`dent variables. The stu`dy esta`blished that there is a significant relation`ship between commu`nity partici`pation and per`formance of wa`ter projects in Tharaka Nithi County, Kenya (β=0.724; p=0.000). The study revealed that th`ere is a signi`ficant relation`ship between capac`ity buil`ding and per`formance of wa`ter pro`jects in Tharaka Nithi Coun`ty, Ken`ya (β=0.6`78; p=0.00`4). The study established that th`ere is a signif`icant relat`ionship bet`ween re`source mo`bilization and performance of wa`ter proj`ects in Tharaka Nithi Cou`nty, Kenya (β=0.821; p=0.000). Finally, the stu`dy fou`nd that there is a significant relationship between moni`toring and eval`uation and perfo`rmance of w`ater proj`ects in Tharaka Nithi Cou`nty, Kenya (β=0.742; p=0.001). The st`udy con`cluded t`hat resou`rce mobili`zation had the great`est influ`ence on per`formance of water pro`jects in Tharaka Nithi County fol`lowed by monit`oring and eval`uation, then community participation while capacity building had the le`ast influe`nce on performance of wa`ter proj`ects in Tharaka Nithi Co`unty. The stu`dy recom`mends that pro`ject managers in Tharaka Nithi county should ensure that there are collaborative partnerships between stakeholders and project management. The st`udy furth`er recom`mends that the cou`nty gover`nment sh`ould come with training programs for all project stakeholders. The study recommends that project managers should initiate fin`ance mobili`zation activ`ities to ra`ise fina`nces of wat`er proje`cts. There is also a need for effective mapping of financial and human resources for water projects in the Tha`raka Ni`thi Co`unty.en_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Nairobien_US
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States*
dc.titleProject Implementation Drivers and Performance of Water Projects in Tharaka Nithi County, Kenyaen_US

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