The Effect of Climate Finance on the Exportation of Red Meat Carcass in Kenya
The study’s main objective was to elaborate upon the effect of climate finance on the exportation
of red meat carcasses in Kenya. The influence of climate finance, prevailing temperature, rainfall
patterns, exchange rates, and the GDP of the Kenyan population on the exportation of red meat
carcass in Kenya served as the goal of the study. The study adopted a descriptive research design.
Secondary data for each study variable was collected for the study period 2012 – 2021. The study
undertook a correlational as well as regression analysis to determine the relationship between the
study variables. The findings indicated that climate finance and exchange rate had a significant
positive correlation against exportation of red meat carcass while temperature, rainfall and GDP
indicated an insignificant correlation on exportation of red meat carcass. The regression analysis
indicated that the coefficient of determination is 18.5 %. This implied that the model could only
account for 18.5 of the changes in transportation of red meat carcass. The adjusted R square was
lower than the value of R square indicating that the model contained elements that did not add
value to it. The regression model was statistically significant indicating that there was positive
statistically significant effect of climate finance on exportation of red meat carcass in Kenya. The
regression coefficient indicated that all the independent variables were insignificant apart from
exchange rate. Only the exchange rate was found to have a statistically significant effect on
exportation of red meat carcass. The study therefore concludes that further investment should be
injected into climate finance for the purposes of improving exports of red meat carcass. The study
also concluded that the climate finance contributed in Kenya was inadequate and more measures
needed to be undertaken to enhance climate finance that would enhance production as well as
exportation of red meat carcass in Kenya. The study also recommends farmers to ensure that during
the dry season, they should dispose off most of their livestock to avoid losses from droughts. This would increase exportation of red meat carcass during dry and hot seasons
University of nairobi
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