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dc.contributor.authorChepkwony, Mary C
dc.identifier.citationM.ED Thesis 2007en
dc.descriptionMaster of Education Thesisen
dc.description.abstractA large number ofpre-school teachers in Rongai Division leave teaching early in the career. The purpose of this research was to investigate the factors that influence a turn over of pre-primary teachers: A case of Rongai Division Nakuru District. Previous researches indicate that years of Early Childhood Development (ECD) is critical since it determines the future development of a child. This becomes the foundation for learning and acquisition for the basic attitudes which are laid during the five first years of life. It is important for governments, parents, other stakeholders to provide quality management, facilities and resources required at those stages. The successful running of a pre-school depends on how the teachers plans, organizes and manages their work (KIE, 1999). According to Koech Report (1999), Pre-School education in Kenya operates without a clear policy and is managed by staff who are largely unqualified and grossly underpaid. There are which disparities exist between private and public ECD centre in terms of standards and facilities. The study was carried out in Rift valley, Nakuru District, Rongai Division. The research covered three zones in the division namely; Rongai , Makoneni and Kampi ya Moto. The respondents included ECD Teachers, Primary Head teachers attached to ECD centres, Zonal Inspectors, Education Officers and Non-Teaching Staff at ECD Centres. Majority of high turnover of Pre-school teacher in the Division were attributed to poor remuneration and poor working environment, which affect the performance. Due to low salaries and other motivational benefits, ECD teachers are said to be dissatisfied with their work and consider leaving their jobs for greener pastures. Random sampling procedure was used to select participants. 3 Strata, 63 ECD centre and 63 ECD teachers and managers were randomly selected . 3 Zonal inspectors in charge of the three zones participated in the study. Research instruments were questionnaires, interview schedules and observations schedules. Questionnaire foe ach category were used for data collection including interview for selected ECD centres. Most ECD teachers who were trained through MOEST 2-years course were found to have more learning materials which were appropriately displayed based on the findings private and religion sponsored centres were found better managed in terms of centre based feeding program and provision of learning teaching materials. ECD teachers undergo training programmes organized by the MOEST, and other authorized organizations. The training programmes are organized in three categories: 1. 2 years, Certificate/Diploma, school based programmes, and 5 weeks short course. -Currently the government has public and private university which offer degree programmes in ECD up to PHD levelen
dc.description.sponsorshipUniversity of Nairobien
dc.titleFactors that influence turnover of pre-primary teachers: A case of Rongai division in Nakuru district, Kenya.en
local.publisherUniversity of Nairobi, College of Education and External Studiesen

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