Now showing items 700-719 of 18547

      An Assessment of the Influence of News Media in the Development of Environmental Governance in Kenya [1]
      An assessment of the influence of slope segments on soil properties in the Mua Hills, Machakos County [1]
      An Assessment of the Level of Adoption of Disruptive Technologies in Academic Libraries in Kenya: a Case Study of the Mahatma Gandhi Graduate Research Library, University of Nairobi, Kenya. [2]
      An Assessment of the Monitoring and Evaluation System for the Possible Severe Bacterial Infections Implementation Research Project [1]
      An assessment of the Prevalence and Social determinants of Maternal Mental Disorders in Kenya: a case study of three counties. [1]
      An assessment of the Security of Interstate Pass as a travel document within the East African Community Region. [1]
      An assessment on the acceptance of big data in statistics [1]
      An Economic Analysis of Impact of Weather Index-based Crop Insurance [1]
      An Economic Assessment of the Factors That Influence Smallholder Farmer Participation in Export Markets as a Case of High Value Mango Markets in Southern Ghana [1]
      An empirical investigation into market efficiency [1]
      An Ethnobotanical, Antioxidant And Anti-Inflammatory [1]
      An Evaluation of Access to Technical Training [1]
      An evaluation of access to Voting Rights for Persons with Mobility-impairment in Nairobi County [1]
      An Evaluation of Communication Strategies Used [1]
      An Evaluation of Effect of Two Extenders and Storage Temperature on Quality of Alpine Goat Semen Processed With and Without Seminal Plasma [1]
      An Evaluation of Effectiveness of Alternative Water Supply: a Case Study of Nairobi Water Central Region, Zone 1 [1]
      An evaluation of Linguistic and Cultural implications of Localising software in Kiswahili: the case of google [1]
      An Evaluation of Management Practices on Wetlands and Riparian Reserves [1]
      An evaluation of Organization competitive advantage through use of big data – case of media in Kenya [1]
      An Evaluation of Property Rates Collection and Enforcement in Devolved Systems of Governance [1]