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dc.contributor.authorBennaars, GAFJ
dc.identifier.citationDoctor of Philosophy, University of NAirobi (1984)en
dc.descriptionA critical reflection on Nyerere's educational ideas in the light of Luijpen's existential phenomenology and of Freire's existential philosophy of education, and with specific reference to Nyerere' s thinking a bout the meaning of education in the African context.en
dc.description.abstractThis is a philosophical study about Nyerere's educational·its main purpose being to establish the significance and meaning thinking,of that thinking in philosophical terms. Alt ough President Nyerere of Tanzania has been widely acclaimed as a states man and a political philosopher in his own right what is more, his educational ideas have often beer, misunderstood and misinterpreted , As a result , the philosophical character of Nyerere' s education thinking has tended to be ignored or has been dismissed as highly utopian or as "hopelessly revisionist". ..en
dc.publisherUniversity of Nairobien
dc.titleThe education of man: Nyerere's contribution towards an existential philosophy of Education in Africaen
local.publisherFaculty of Educationen

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