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dc.contributor.authorWanjohi, EN
dc.identifier.citationDegree of Master of Medicineen
dc.descriptionDegree of Master of Medicine in obstetrics and gynaecology of the University of Nairobien
dc.description.abstractA SURVEY ON THE PHYSICIANS' KNOWLEDGE, ATTITUDE, PRACTICE AND PROVISION OF FAMILY PLANNING AT KENYATTA NATIONAL HOSPITAL SUMMARY A study on the knowledge, attitude, practice and provision of family planning by 220 physicians was carried out at Kenyatta National Hospital (KNH), Kenya's only University teaching hospital. This was a pilot project to try and determine how basic knowledge on contraception, attitudes, provision and personal contraceptive practice among health providers may affect the utilisation of family planning programme in Kenya. The physicians were concerned about the population of Kenya, its present growth rate and favoured family planning. Seventy per cent felt that more money should be used on National Family Planning Programme (NFPP) to ensure adequate provision of services. Ninety one per cent were concerned with adolescent sexuality and fertility. Sixty seven per cent indicated that they should be offered contraceptive services. Seventy six percent and 75% of the physicians indicated that the family health field educator and the community health worker, respectively, should distribute barrier methods. The physicians felt reluctant about these cadres of health workers dispensing the other methods. Twenty nine percent felt that community based distribution programme (CBD) is safe and contraceptives and condoms should be community based for easier availability. Ninety percent of the physicians had practised contraception and fifty five percent were currently on a method. Intrauterine contraceptive device was the method of choice with 33.3% of the contraceptors using it. Four percent had had tubal ligation and 1.7% vasectomy.en
dc.publisherUniversity of Nairobien
dc.titleCase records and commentaries in obstetrics and gynaecologyen
dc.description.departmenta Department of Psychiatry, University of Nairobi, ; bDepartment of Mental Health, School of Medicine, Moi University, Eldoret, Kenya
local.publisherDepartment of Medicineen

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