Browsing Faculty of Health Sciences (FHS) by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 4300
Polyarthritis in Kenya
(University of LondonMedicine, 1965)An attempt is made to describe the general physician's view of rheumatology in the African in Kenya with a review of findings elsewhere in tropical Africa. Osteoarthritis is excluded and monoarticular disease is only ... -
The nephrotic syndrome in uganda with special reference to the role of plasmodium malariae
(Univesity Of NairobiSchool of Medicine, University of Nairobi, 1966)Much confusion exists on the subject of Quartan Malaria and the Nephrotic Syndrom at the present time. Although many people have studied this subject in the past, a unanimous opinion is lacking on even whether the relationship ... -
The cornea in Kwashiorkor
(University of East AfricaDepartment of surgery, 1968)The resistance of the cornea to infection is lowered in Kwashiorkor. There is more morbidity of the cornea among children who have been malnourished. Thus among 1,000 well-nourished children examined, there were only 2 ... -
The pathology of Measles viral Pneumonia with special reference to Malnutrition
(Makere University, UgandaDepartment of Medicine, 1970)The mortality from measles is high in Tropical Countries. Since different strains of measles virus have not been shown to occur, the high mortality cannot be explained on the presence of a more virulent strain of measles ... -
Enzymes and proteins in tropical diseases
(1970)Various parameters were measured for two control groups; the African Medical students and the matched controls for the disease Endomyocardial Fibrosis (EMF). Many differences were observed in these two populations, ... -
Immunity To Malaria
(1970) -
Effect Of Chronic Heavy Alcohol Intake On The Heart Investigation By Electrocardiography Mainly
(University of Nairobi, 1971)Fourty three male subjects without any cardiac symptoms or signs, who had been drinking for a mean of 12.5 years range (5-25 years), their ages ranged from 20-55 years. These subjects, and thirty seven non drinking ... -
Ectopic pregnancy: a hospital-based case-control study of risk factors and duration of hospital stay
(University of NairobiDepartment of Preventive Medicine, 1971)To evaluate the association between ectopic pregnancy and two potential risk factors (blood group 0 and underweight) and to examine the duration of hospital stay by patients with ectopic pregnancy, a hospital-based ... -
Certain aspects of nervous and hormonal mechanisms involved in gastric acid secretion
(School of Medicine, University of Nairobi, 1972) -
The microscopic anatomy and ultra structure of the transitional epithelium of rock hyrax
(University of Nairobi,Department of Veterinary Anatomy, 1972)Materials for histology, histochemistry and electron microscopy were taken from the urinary bladder of Rock hyraxes of the genera procavia and heterohyrax .These two genera are hole- dwellers which most probably do not ... -
Steroids arterial pressure and the baroreceptors
(School of Medicine, 1972)1) Intravenous infusion of aldosterone raises the arterial pressure 20% in five hours. 2) Inprogesterone pretreated animals, aldosterone infusion raises the arterial pressure 45% in five hours. 3) Inprogesterone ... -
Haematological Problems in Renal Failure
(University of NairobiSchool of Medicine, 1972) -
Transmethylation Activity In The Liver Of Rats Fed A Milk-yeast-barley Diet
(University of NairobiDepartmerrt of Medical Biochemistry, 1972)The protein quality of a Milk-Yeast-Barley (MYB) mixture employed in a school-lunch program in Kenya has been investigated by a rat growth assay method. Either casein or MYB were substituted isonitrogenously in a basal ... -
The Comfort Of Patients In Traction: A Descriptive Study
(1972-07)This study describ8s the behaviours of patients who were immobilized in traction in a general hospital. Its purpose was to ascertain the relative degrees of comfort or discomfort which these patients had. Comfort was ... -
The Sweat Gland Response To Solar Radiation In Three Species Of Domestic Animals
(University of Nairobi,Department of Animal Physiology,, 1972-08)The present understanding of evaporative heat loss mechanisms in domestic farm animals. is based on data gathered from experiments, carried out in animals exposed to simulated desert conditions in climatic chambers. ... -
A Survey and analysis of the Kenyan metalworking industry :Equipment Production; engineering and Manpower
(School of Engineering, University of Nairobi, 1973) -
Incidence and assessment of risk factors of postoperative delirium in adult patients at KNH.
(University of Nairobi, 1973) -
Interssuception As Seen At Kenyatta National Hospital
(University of Nairobi, 1974)