The specific roll of excretion urography examination in patient management at Kenyatta National Hospital
A total of 484 patients who underwent excretion
urography examination at Kenyatta National Hospital in one
year period were studied. These were 235 (48.6%) males
and 249 (51.4%) females. 265 (55.4%) were out-patients
and 216 (44.6%) were in-patients.
The commonest indications for requesting excretion
urogr~phy were as follows: Inflammatory conditions of
urinary tract (13.6%); abdominal masses non-renal (21.8%);
Incontinence (8.9%); Hypertension (8.9%); Symptoms and
signs of renal stone (8.7%) etc. Rare indications for
requesting the examination were as follows:-
Haematuria (2.7%); Surgical procedures involving urinary
tract (2.3%); Suspected bladder malignancy (1.2%); abdominal
colicky pain non-renal (1.2%); Renal failure (1.0%);
Enuresis (0.8%) etc.
Indications which showed high number of normal
urograms include; Enuresis (100.0%); abdominal colicky
pains non-renal (83.3%); renal calculi (71.4%); hypertension
(72.1%) etc. Patients with urograms which were normal or
did not add any new information required further clinical
evaluation to ascertain cause of their 'symptoms and signs.
Indications which had a high number of urograms, with results
not leading to change in already established management were
as follows; renal failure (80.0%); prostatism (68.8%);
Incontinence (62.8%) etc. Indications which showed high
number of abnormal urograms were as follows: Renal failure
(100.0%); Haematuria (92.3%); Renal masses (79.5%) etc.
Indications which showed high proportional for further
radiological investigation(s) after urography, were as
follows: Haematuria (38.5%); renal masses (35.9%); abdominal
masses (20.5%) obstructive uropathy (20.5%).
Degree of Master of Medicine in diagnostic radiologyPublisher
University of Nairobi Department of Medicine, College of Health Sciences, University of Nairobi
A dissertation submitted in part-fulfillment for the
Degree of Master of Medicine
diagnostic radiology
University of Nairobi