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dc.contributor.authorCheptoo, John C
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this study was to investigate the detenninants of the implementation of adult education programmes in Marigat division of Marigat district. Six research questions were formulated to guide the study, these included the following: to identify the teaching methods used by instructors in the implementation of adult education programmes, to assess the influence of teaching and learning materials on the implementation of adult education programmes, to establish how integration of functional skills determine the implementation of adult programmmes, to examine the academic and professional levels of adult education instructors and its influence on the implementation of adult programmes in the division, to determine the frequency of adult learners assessment and its influence on the implementation of the adult programmes and to establish the extent to which adult learners attitudes influence the implementation process. The study adopted a descriptive survey design. Thirty percent (30010) of the target population was sampled giving a sample size of 16 adult instructors, 79 adult learners and the divisional adult education officer. Data were gathered by use of questionnaires and an interview schedule. Data were analyzed by use of qualitative and quantitative statistics. Findings revealed that majority of the instructors used a combination of methods in the facilitation of adult programmes implying that learning is practical oriented. Analysis indicated that the govpment was the major provider (78.6%) of the few available teaching materials in the centres. It was discovered that most of the materials were difficult to read and irrelevant to the current needs of the society and were also not availed in time. It was established that the integration of functional skills in the adult programmes enabled some (35.75%) of the learners to engage on income generating activities. The analysis established that most of the instructors 6(42.9010) were not trained while another number similar to this had certificates in education. On workshops, majority of the instructors 8(57.1%) indicated that they had not attended; implying that majority were lacking the potentiality for the implementation of the programmes .Findings indicated that both formative and summative forms of assessment were applied in the centres. However, Quality Assurance Officers (QASOs) had never done any supervision in the division, a factor which demoralized both instructors and learners' the study discovered that some of the learners had negative attitudes towards adult programmes as indicated by 6(42.9%) instructors. Based on the findings of the study, it was recommended that the department of adult education and the other stakeholders like NGOs and CBOs should identify the appropriate teaching methods of adults, avail in time the relevant and readable materials, employ more trained instructors, make supervision a regular routine and sensitize the community on the importance of adult education. Based on the findings it was suggested that a study on levels of training of adult instructors and their impact on teaching in adult learning programmes should be conducted.en_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Nairobi, Kenyaen_US
dc.titleDeterminants of implementation of adult education programmes in Marigat Division of Marigat District, Kenyaen_US
dc.title.alternativeThesis (MEd)en_US

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