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dc.contributor.authorWamalwa, Doris N
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this research project was to investigate factors influencing sexuality education among students in Public Secondary Schools of Central Division Machakos District Kenya. The study was guided by four objectives which were; to determine the factors that influence students to depend on their peers for information on sexuality education, to establish the extent to which the mass media affects sexuality education. to determine the extent to which implementation of Life Skills and HIV I AIDS/STDs subject affects sexuality education and to establish the extent to which society affects sexuality education in public secondary schools. The study applied the learning theory which indicates that learning takes place at any age through operant conditioning. The study used the descriptive design. The sample consisted of one girl's school. one boy's school and seven mixed schools. Respondents were 120 students sampled from Form Two and Form Four classes, and nine guiding and counseling teachers. Students were selected using random sampling, guiding and counseling teachers were selected through purposive sampling. Data collecting instruments were questionnaire and interview guide questions. Questionnaires were administered to students; interviews were conducted with guiding and counseling teachers. The questionnaire was tested fur reliability through split half method and its reliability coefficient correlation after correcting to full test using Spearman Brown Prophecy formula was 0.82. Reliability of the interview guide was tested by writing down the questions asked and answers received and conducting interviews twice. There was consistency in the way the guiding and counseling teachers were responding to the questions hence a strong indication of reliability. Items in the instruments were carefully examined if they had content validity expert judgment and the supervisor. Questionnaires were administered in person. Completed questionnaires were collected immediately. Data analysis involved descriptive statistical analysis and was presented as tables showing frequencies and percentages. The study revealed that students chose peers based on their age, academic performance. background, experience and religion. According to the study, students to a large extent got information on sexuality from magazines, television, and internet and depended less on radio, news papers and text books. The current education system addressed sexuality education moderately highlighting insufficient time, lack of trained personnel to teach sexuality education, limited teaching learning resources and sexuality education not being in the syllabus as the factors affecting its implementation. Students depend more on religious teachings and secular/modem teachings and depend less on traditional cultural teachings on sexuality education. The study recommends that all peer counselors should be trained. The school routine should allow time for students to interact! socialize. Sexuality education should he integrated in other extra curriculum activities at school such as games, clubs and societies. More time should be allocated for the subject and it be made examinable so that teachers ensure it is taught satisfactorily. All forms of media should make their programs learner friendly and relevant to the needs of students. Students should be taught responsible use of the internet. television and the radio. Universities and teacher training colleges should train teachers who will teach sexuality education in secondary schools. Kenya Institute of Education should give proper guidelines on sexuality education and suggest suitable teaching learning resources that teachers can use for teaching. The study suggests that further research should be done to establish factors that influence sexuality education, to establish suitable methods of teaching sexuality education in secondary schools and to determine appropriate teaching/leaming materials for teaching sexuality in secondary schools.en_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Nairobi, Kenyaen_US
dc.titleFactors influencing sexuality education among students in public secondary schools in Central Division, Machakos District, Kenyaen_US
dc.title.alternativeThesis (MA)en_US

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