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dc.contributor.authorOjwaya, Caroline A
dc.description.abstractconstituency development fund (CDF) was introduced in Kenya the year 2003 with the aim of addressing inequalities in development around the country. Since its inception it has made strides with numerous projects coming throughout the country. However the fund has been beleaguered with a myriad of problem with critiques identifying low community participation in the CDF projects as a major constraint. This study investigated factors influencing community's participation in CDF project in Kilgoris Constituency Narok; Kenya. The study sought to achieve the following objectives: to investigate the influence of education on community's participation in CDF project, to find out the influence of politics on community's participation in CDF projects, to examine the influence of gender on community's participation in CDF projects and lastly to establish the influence of social cultural factors on community's participation in CDF project in Kilgoris constituency. The study captured significance of the study, limitation of the study, delimitation of the study, basic assumption and definition of significant terms. The study reviewed literature on the concept CDF, education and community participation, politics and community participation, gender and community participation and lastly social -cultural factors and community participation. The aim of the literature review was to establish the foundation of the study and identify a framework upon which the primary data was conceptualized and interpreted. The study employed descriptive survey research design. The target population was 50,923 households who were direct beneficiaries of CDF. Stratified sampling was used to select the sample which was stratified into 8 strata. A sample of 381 respondents was selected using Krejcie, R. Y.and Morgan D.W Table (1970). The researcher used a research instrument entitled Kilgoris Constituency Development Fund Project Beneficiaries Questionnaire. Validity and reliability were tested using pretest and test re- test .Data was collected after the researcher had obtained permit from the National Council For Science And Technology (Department of Research) Chapter 4 captured data presentation, analysis ,interpretation and discussion .the chapter was divided into two parts:bio data and specific information. The first part captured the demographic aspect of the respondents which showed their age, sex, level of education and their division. The second part contained analysis of the influence of education on community's participation, influence of politics on community 's participation, influence of gender on community'S participation, and influence of socio -cultural factors on community participation in CDF projects in Kilgoris constituency Narok county; Kenya. The data was analyzed using fr~uency tables and percentage. Chapter five contained introduction, summary of the findings of the study, conclusion, contribution to the body of the knowledge recommendation for policy action and suggestion for further research.en_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Nairobi, Kenyaen_US
dc.titleFactors influencing community participation in constituency development fund projects in Kilgoris Constituency Narok County; Kenyaen_US
dc.title.alternativeThesis (MA)en_US

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