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dc.contributor.authorMuthui, Charles M
dc.description.abstractThe Kenyan Financial Co-operative (referred to as the savings and credit Co-operatives - SACCO) sector and is by far the largest SACCO sector in Africa. It plays a significant role in Kenya's financial sector. Several of Kenya's largest SACCOs have capital large enough to become banks. In 2005, there were around 2,700 SACCOs with an estimated membership of 2.5 million. The share capital and deposits in SAC COs accounted for over 24% of domestic savings (The World Rank, 2007). Ry the end of January, 2011 the SACCOs had over 8 million members with an estimated investments of over Kshs. 230 Billion (Daily Nation, Feb- 2011) . In 1990s , most of the SACCOs collapsed due to corruption, infighting for positions and poor management. It was only after the KANU Government was sent home that Some SACCOs started showing up some signs of awakening. The most recent development is the coming up of the Governance and Ethics commission which is already gazetted and its there to ensure that members' contributions are safeguarded. The study sought to establish the factors that influence the financial performance of Nyeri Teachers' SACCO Society Limited .They are as follows .To establish how the use of Management information system has enhanced the financial performance of Nyeri Teachers' Sacco Society limited, to assess how staff motivation influence the financial performance of the SACCO. to assess how staff training influence the financial performance of the SACCO, to assess how the development of new products and services influence the financial performance of Nyeri Teachers' SACCO Society limited. The study adopted mixed mode approach .. It targeted one C.E.O, 9 Board of Directors and 25 employees of the SACCO. The data was collected using both open and closed questionnaires and all the 3S respondents targeted responded ( 100%). The collected data was analyzed by the use of Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) and presented by use of tables and frequencies. The main findings are that the SACCO is growing in terms of membership, the employees performance was rated highly in the latest survey, employees were delegated duties by their seniors and they were found to be motivated and reliable. There was a very strong relationship between the SACCO's performance and the independent variables. The study recommended good accounting and MIS systems, SACCOs still need significant capacity building in different levels, management of SACCOs to make organization flat and the C.E.Os and the top management of the SACCOs should be vetted before they are appointed to their positions .en_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Nairobi, Kenyaen_US
dc.titleFactors influencing the financial performance of Nyeri Teachers' Sacco Society Limited, in Nyeri County, Kenyaen_US
dc.title.alternativeThesis (MA)en_US

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