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dc.contributor.authorMuganda, Everlyne N
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of KESI in-service training on secondary school headteacher's performances of their administrative tasks in Butere district. The researcher sought to answer the questions To what extent does exposure to KESI in-service training influences head teacher's performance of administrative tasks? Significance of the study The findings of the research will be of great importance to the secondary school head teachers in identifying administrative areas where they face difficulties and which have impacted negatively on performance of administrative tasks. The findings of the study will also provide feedback to KESI trainers and other in-service providers to developing relevant courses which are in tune with emerging trends in education sector. It will also be useful to teacher training colleges and universities in training students in skills of school administration so that future teachers will be equipped with appropriate knowledge and skills. The study adopted a descriptive survey design to investigate the effects of the KESI in-service training public secondary school headteachers performance of administrative tasks. The target population for the study consisted of head teachers and teachers in public secondary schools in Butere district. Sample consisted of 17 head teachers and 47 teachers obtained by simple random sampling. The researcher adopted purposive ( extreme) sampling in selecting boys and girls boarding schools because they are only two. To enable the researcher answer the research questions, questionnaires were developed. Headteachers questionnaires were divided into three sections A; Band C. Section A gathered information on headteachers demographic data and training background. Section B was made of statements representing the effect of KESI in-service training on performance of administrative tasks. Section C was made up of open ended questions. The teacher questionnaire was divided into sections A and B. Section A gathered information on teachers demographic data and training background. Section B was made of statements requiring teachers to rate performance of administrative task by headteachers. A research permit was obtained from the National Council of Science and Technology and thereafter District Education Officer Butere and schools participating in the study. The quantitative data obtained was analyzed using descriptive statistics, frequency distribution tables were constructed and descriptions such as percentages (%), frequencies (f) were obtained and used to answer the research questions. Conclusion derived from the findings, majority of the headtechers had undergone KESI in-service training. Headtechers found KESI in-service training to be relevant and influential in imparting basic, practical and theoretical knowledge necessary for performance of administrative tasks. Headteachers argued for follow-up activity to ascertain the degree of change in attitude and practice. Based on the research findings the following recommendations were made KESI should diversify courses of training and have courses attended by principals according to their needs. This would help them to constantly update their skills as well as be aware of development in the field of education. Follow-up activities by KESI should made integral part of professional development with particular emphasis on renewal and updating of skills.en_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Nairobi, Kenyaen_US
dc.titleEffects of KESI in-service training on headteachers' performance of administrative tasks in public secondary schools in Butere district, Kenyaen_US
dc.title.alternativeThesis (MEd)en_US

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