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dc.contributor.authorIdriss, Sahal K
dc.description.abstractLivestock among pastoralists are a social and cultural paradigm, as well as a means of deriving main livelihood and financial capital. Restocking will have the greatest impact on communities who aspire to a collective future based upon livestock keeping with strong traditional values toward livestock.The research study is aimed at investigating factors influencing implementation of sustainable restocking projects whether it has long-term impact on the lives and livelihood of poor pastoralists in Lagdera District of Garissa County. If the -implementations of restocking projects are forces of change impacting pastoralist communities, there is a need to account for shifting community values, aspirations, norms and behavior regarding livestock-keeping. The objective of this study was extent the project design, community perception, community training; environmental effects and community socio-economical status influenced the implementation of the restocking project. To develop best practice guidelines, indicators and tools to implementation of the restocking projects to increase positive outcomes and enhance the impact of restocking as a means of poverty reduction among the pastoralist communities. The expected benefit of the study was to acquire knowledge on restocking benefits, the best method of conducting it, relevant time of restocking and how best to implement sustainably the restocking programs. The study targeted the beneficiaries of all the previous restocking program carry out within Lagdera District for the past three years and all the organizations that implemented. Random sampling technique was conduct to come up with the48 respondent households out of 104 beneficiaries in the whole District. Questionnaires were administered to the household heads and organization field officers who were the key persons when the project was being implemented. The Questionnaires had two sections on the demographic data and the other section on the topical issue' Before the actual research, permission was sought from the Ministry of Livestock Development (District Livestock Production Officer both in Lagdera and Garissa) in order to interview the pastoralists. Statistical package for social science (SPSS) was used. The data information collected was analyzed by use of tables, frequencies and percentages. The study findings concluded that discriminatory attitudes of the implementers towards women headed households and lack of participation of the communities in selection of the beneficiaries. It was also found that traditional methods of community self restocking was not considered for sustainability. But similar study is recommended to be replicated for other districts of same agro-ecological environment.en_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Nairobi, Kenyaen_US
dc.titleFactors influencing implementation of sustainable restocking projects in Lagdera District, Garissa County, Kenyaen_US
dc.title.alternativeThesis (MA)en_US

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