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dc.contributor.authorNyagitari, Lorna Barongo
dc.identifier.citationNyagitari, Lorna Barongo. (2013). The Influence Of Peer Groups On Retention Rates In Public Primary Schools In Kikambala Division, Kilifi County, Kenya.A Research Project Submitted In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement of the Degree of Master of Education in Educational Administration, University of Nairobi.en
dc.description.abstractThe justification of the study was based on the evidence of drop-outs from public primary schools in the Division, where those pupils who enrolled in standard one reduced in numbers as they progressed towards completion of their primary educational cycle.This study was set out to establish the peer group influences that may influence retention rates of pupils in public primary schools in Kikambala Division, Kilifi District, Kilifi County, Kenya. The study sought to identify the extent of the peer group influences responsible for pupil dropout in Kikambala Division which include; peer group academic achievements, peer group socialization and peer group bullying. Finally, the study recommended strategies that could be used to curb dropout of pupils in the division. The research design used was descriptive survey, the target population were all public primary schools in Kikambala division. The division has 38 public primary schools comprising 38 head teachers and 275 teachers, 5 head teachers, 25classteachers and 100 current pupils (std 4-8) were included in the sample. The sample also included 10 former pupils. Analysis of data revealed that; Peer group academic achievement has a significant influence on retention of pupils in schools leading to constant repetition and eventually loss of interest in school work and finally dropping out. Peer group socialization can either promote a desire to stay in school or leave earlier. Positive peer interaction leads to a strong feeling of belongingness and hence a desire to complete the school cycle while negative influences lead to a desire to leave. Peer socialization was the leading influence of the desire to remain in school until completion. Peer bullying in school is existing but is rarely of any significant influence on retention of pupils. On the basis of the study findings, the following are the major recommendations of the study: The government should consider further increasing budgetary allocation to the education sector in order to boost resources e.g more teachers and books to ensure there is quality education in public primary school. Quality education will attract higher retention rates. The government should also consider giving in-service courses to school teachers and to pupils to promote positive peer socialization & peer counseling as this can help to reduce would be dropouts. Since their problems can easily be identified and solved by their peers at the earliest opportunity. The government should also enforce the ban on forced repetition since it leads to pupils being over age for a particular class, feeling out of place. Loosing interest in academic work and eventually dropping out before completion. The school administrators should ensure that their schools are child-friendly. Meaning they should be free from any form of hazards in the environment and free from any form of physical or verbal abuse which can be inform of bullying from teachers or fellow pupils. Bullying has however found to lower a victim’s self esteem hence barring him from reaching self actualization. Schools that are child friendly promote the realization of individual goals and hence higher retention rates. The school administration should have a clearly defined and operational school policy on retention. The policy should be informed to all the stakeholders i.e parents, teachers and pupilsen
dc.publisherUniversity of Nairobi,en
dc.titleThe Influence Of Peer Groups On Retention Rates In Public Primary Schools In Kikambala Division, Kilifi County, Kenyaen
local.publisherSchool of Educationen

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