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dc.contributor.authorMoche, Paul K
dc.identifier.citationMasters of Education in Corporate Governanceen
dc.description.abstractFinancial management is an important aspect of education in Kenya today. The public secondary school Board of Governors is expected to oversee management of monies for constructions, buying new books and bursaries provided for disadvantaged students. This calls for some skill in financial management on the part of the BOG. The purpose of this study was to establish factors affecting BOGs in financial management of public secondary schools in Mukurwe-ini District. The objectives of the study involved evaluating the extent to which BOG members’ age, gender, level of education and experience affected effective financial management of public secondary schools in Mukurwe-ini district. The study targeted all the 273 members of boards of governors and 30 head teachers of public secondary schools in Mukurwe-ini district. 9 principals and 27 BOG members were sampled through disproportionate stratified random sampling technique. Data was collected through questionnaires and interviews. Quantitative and qualitative techniques were applied in data analysis with the help of SPSS version 20 for windows. The study found that most of the members of boards of governors were older members of the public with at least 40 years. Majority of the school boards in public secondary schools in Mukurwe-ini were composed of males. The study found that the school boards were composed of highly qualified individuals with the entire lot in the study having acquired higher education. The researcher established that the BOG members had many years of experience. The researcher concluded that the high mean age of members, high academic qualifications and many years of experience influenced financial management positively as such individuals were well equipped with information on managing funds from their various fields of study. The study concluded that having older members of society was good for the school boards in that such individuals brought in years of experience in management to the school. In addition, such members were more likely to have acquired high levels of academic qualification. However, the youth were largely ignored for membership to school boards, This could be attributed to their lack of high qualifications and few years of experience. The study also concluded that having more members who had acquired higher education qualifications influenced financial management positively as such individuals were well equipped with information on managing funds from their various fields of study. In addition the highly qualified BOG members would be able to make informed decisions on varying matters in management of finances. The study recommended that the ministry of education should amend BOG guidelines and make it mandatory for inclusion of the youth in the school boards and amend BOG guidelines to make it comply with the two thirds gender rule in the constitution. Minimum requirements for potential candidates should be raised to Bachelor’s degree. BOG members tenure should be increased to over 10 years to ensure preservation of knowledge and experience and ensure continuity.en
dc.publisherUniversity of Nairobien
dc.titleFactors Influencing Board Of Governors Effectiveness In Financial Management Of Public Secondary Schools In Mukurwe-ini District, Kenyaen
local.publisherDepartment of Educational Administration and Planningen

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