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dc.contributor.authorKariuki, David M
dc.identifier.citationKariuki,David M.;2013.Factors Influencing Management Of Children’s Home: A Case Of Methodist Church In Imenti North, Kenya.en
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this research was to study the influence of level of education, donor funding, managerial skills, level of income and participation of staff on the management of children‟s homes.. A descriptive survey method was used during this research. The study was confined to the MCK Kaaga Synod in Imenti North District. The target population was 162 respondents from 16 Rehabilitation centers community based organizations that were dealing with children in Imenti North District. The sample size was 80respondents. Data was collected through the use of in-depth interviews, questionnaires and observation and was analyzed using descriptive statistics including Pearson correlation analysis. The study found that the level of education greatly influenced management of children‟s homes. The managers were educated mainly through seminars, induction, orientation, workshops besides formal education. The level of education greatly influenced the managers to be effective and efficient in management of children‟s home (mean = 4.5373). The study also deduced that managerial skills affected the management of children‟s homes to a very great extent (65.6%) and the mainly through managers‟ innovativeness and motivation of employees. The study also deduced that wages/remuneration affects the management of children‟s homes much (40%) and that donor funding affected the organization management to a very great extent (85.1%). It was clear that employees involved in management issues of the organization to a very great extent (70.1%). The study further concludes that participation of staff in the running of the children home affected its management mainly by encouraging a team spirit and holding frequent meetings. The hierarchy of the factors influencing the management of the homes was (from highest to the least) level of education; staff participation; managerial skills; staff remuneration and donor funding. The study recommends that the Ministry of Education should encourage and make management courses compulsory from primary level to university level in order for managers to be skilled in managerial skill at an early stage. The management should be dedicated to encourage teamwork among the employees and also support their juniors to achieve objectives. The management of the children homes should increase their income sources from their usual ones and participate more in more income generating activities.en
dc.publisherUniversity of Nairobien
dc.titleFactors influencing management of children’s home: a case of Methodist church in Imenti north, Kenya.en
local.publisherSchool of Businessen

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