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dc.contributor.authorMogeni, Nicholous M
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of the study was to investigate the influence of principals' age, level of education, level of management training and gender on integration of information communication technology in management of financial resources in Masaba District, Kenya. The theory that was used in the study was the system theory which dealt with complex intrapersonal, inter group and human interaction. The research design used was descriptive survey design. The target population was 90 secondary principals, 600 teachers and 30 Board of Governor in secondary schools .Masaba District out of whom 30 principals, 180 teachers and 30 B.O.G members were sampled using stratified sampling and then followed by simple random sampling. The data collection tools was questioning for principals and teachers and interview schedule for Board of Governors. The data was analyzed according to the themes and objectives and Quantitative data was entered into the computer for analyzing using the statistical package for social sciences (SPSS). The study sought to investigate the following objectives; to determine the influence of principals' gender, to establish the influence of principals' age, to establish how the principals' level of education and to establish the influence of principals' level of training in ICT into management of financial resources. The study revealed that principal's gender affected integration of (CT in schools where 55 percent were male while 45 percent were female. These could be because male teachers and female teachers regard computer technology as male domain, Also age bracket between 30 — 49 showed higher percentage respectively that principals integrated I.CT than 50 — 60 years who are heading to retire. Finally, teachers' level of education showed inconsistent relationship between teachers level of education and ICT usage. Many schools from the findings were located in rural areas with 747.1 percent and had not embraced ICI- on management of financial resources since most teachers had no trained on ICT integration on -financial management 71 percent. Most of the teachers had negative attitude on the ICT from. the findings giving 7.4 percent. This had led to schools facing many challenges on ICT integration that is negative attitude by teachers 7.4 percent, inadequate facilities 29.6 percent, computer breakdown 14.8 percent, inadequate funds 29.6 percent and lack of trained personnel 14.8 percent. The researcher recommends that secondary schools should find a way to increase the number of computers in schools that was 63 percent and train teachers on ICT as per the findings which was 11.1 percent and construct a computer lab, which facilitated 25.9 percent by respondents. Teachers should change attitude of 7.4 percent towards the use and integration of ICT in the schools so as to create information technology in all aspects of teaching and learning institutions.en_US
dc.titleInfluence of principals' characteristics onintegration of Informarfion Communication Technology in management of financial resources Masaba District, Kenyaen_US

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