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dc.contributor.authorChemutai , Evalyne
dc.identifier.citationDegree Of Master Of Arts In Project Planning And Management,en_US
dc.description.abstractThis study investigated factors influencing implementation of water projects in Siongiroi location, Chepalungu district, Bomet County. Implementation of water projects was hoped solve problem of designed projects that had not been implemented. This study was guided by the following objectives: to examine how leadership styles influences implementation; to determine the extent to which resource mobilization influence implementation; to assess the extent to which community involvement influences implementation; to explore how managerial skills influences implementation; and to evaluate how skilled-manpower influences implementation. The findings ofthe study were be useful in implementing water projects in the location. Literature review was done in five themes and summarized in conceptual framework which summarizes dependent and independent variables. Summary of literature review was done which showed how implementation was influenced by leadership style resource mobilization, community involvement, managerial skills and skilled man power. .descriptive research design was used to capture the opinions of the respondents. Target population was 4000 people representing 4000 households and 40 Officers working in various water projects making a total of 4040 respondents. According to Kreijcie and Morgan, a sample size of 351 was appropriate. The instrument used to collect data was questionnaire and researcher's questionnaire which was used to collect data from illiterate respondents. Kothari (2008) observes that questionnaires are more objective than interviews and are standardized. Piloting of instruments was done in Chepleliet village where the actual study was not going to be carried out. According to Mugenda and Mugenda a tenth of the sampled population was appropriate. The instruments validity was ensured by supervisors, opinion of colleagues and project evaluators. Reliability of the instruments was measured by calculating their coefficient using pearson's moment correlation formula. Data analysis was done using descriptive statistics: frequencies and percentage tables. The research study ensured that the research was scientific and avoids risks harm or wrong. All respondents were treated with respect. Participants agreed to participate voluntarily. From the analysis of data it was evident that majority of respondents agreed that leaders believe in team work and shows financial records. Community members provide labour. On community involvement it was found that members of the community were involved in implementation. On management it was found that workers were not given incentives. Plumbers and pipe fitters were not enough. It was recommended that leaders should educate the community on importance of implementation of water projects. It was recommended further that government should fund projects through COF and Harambee to fund water project. Further research on monitoring and evaluation and training of water engineers should be done.en_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Nairobi,en_US
dc.titleFactors influencing implementation of water Projects in Siongiroi location, Chepalungu District, Bomet countyen_US

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