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dc.contributor.authorBonuke, Evans
dc.identifier.citationMaster Of Education In Early Childhood Education In The Department Of Communication And Technology Of The University Of Nairobi, 2013en_US
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of parental involvement on preschool children's achievement in number work activities in Gesima Division, Nyamira County. The study was aimed at looking various variables such as parental communication, parenting styles and parental support in trying to find out whether these factors were important in determining preschool children's acquisition in number work activities. The researcher also looked at the social and economic activities of the people in this region. The economic activities of the people in this region. The economic activity in this area mainly comprised of farming where most people kept animals such as goats, sheep and cows to provide them with milk, meat and skin. They can also sell the surplus to get money. The farmers also grow crops to provide them with food that they could need for survival in the literature review section, the researcher highlighted various issues as communication of parents to preschool teachers, head teachers and children, parenting styles and how parents support their children in terms of provision of basic human wants e.g. food, shelter and clothing, provision of teaching and learning materials and providing least restrictive learning environment. A case study design was used in this study. The researcher targeted two schools which were randomly sampled; where one was a public pre-school while the other was a private pre-school. The study targeted a population of 2 head teachers, 5 pre-school teachers, 104 parents and 115 children. The instruments for the study were questionnaires for pre-school teachers and head teachers, interview schedules for parents and children and document analysis guide. The researcher collected the data alone and analyzed 'it using statistical packaging for social Sciences which computed percentages, mean scores, standard deviation and frequencies. The findings of the study established that parental involvement in children's learning greatly promotes the performances of the child in number activities. Most children whose parents were involved in their learning by communicating regularly with teachers providing them with basic needs and supporting them with their school work recorded high mean scores in number work activities. Therefore the study recommends that parents should be educated by other stakeholders on the provision of resources in promoting children's performance in number work activities. Parents and teachers should also be sensitized on the modalities of overcoming the challenges like poverty, uncooperativeness, lack of resources and time among other challenges that tend to affect the performance of number work activities in the Division.en_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Nairobi,en_US
dc.titleInfluence of parental involvement on children's achievement in number work activities in selected preschools in Gesima division, Nyamira county.en_US

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