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dc.contributor.authorNjogu, Rosemary W
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of school culture on student perfomrance in the Kenya certificate of secondary education (K.C.S.E) Kikuyu District. The objectives of the study included determining how focused culture influence performance of KCSE in Kikuyu district; To establish whether power and leadership influence performance in Kenya Certificate of Secondary Examination in Kikuyu district; to investigate the impact of collaboration and collegiality of teachers on performance of Kenya Certificate of Secondary Examinations in Kikuyu district; to determine how attitudes and beliefs towards innovation influences performance of Kenya Certificate of Secondary Examination in Kikuyu district. The study used descriptive research design for this study. The target population was 556 teachers in the district from and 24 out of 26 public secondary schools headteachers in Kikuyu District. The head teachers were purposely included because of their leadership roles. The researcher took all the 24 headteachers by census while purposively sampling 111 form three form four class teachers. Teachers were sampled using stratified random sampling. To collect data, a set of semi-structured questionnaires was used where structured questions were used in order to get specific information by providing a list of possible alternatives from which the responders select the answer that best describe their opinion while unstructured questionnaires were used in order to allow respondents to express their feelings and opinions. Before the actual data collection, piloting of questionnaires and the interview guide were done on 6 secondary schools in Kikuyu district, which did Concerning teacher opinion on whether teachers have a positive attitude towards educational innovations, 42.7 percent strongly agreed that teachers . have a positive attitude towards educational innovations while 33.3 percent agreed that teachers have a positive attitude towards educational innovations. Findings on leadership role, 34.7 percent strongly agreed that the school constantly search for measures that are most appropriate to reach the objectives, 32 percent agreed that the school constantly search for measures that are most appropriate to reach the objectives. Concerning stability 45.3 percent strongly agreed that stability was highly valued while 24 percent agreed that school stability was highly valued not participate in the actual study. To establish the reliability of the instrument, the researcher used the test-retest where the second test administration was done one week after the first one. The study generated both qualitative and quantitative data. For the quantitative data, analysis of the data was done through descriptive statistics by use of frequencies and percentages and averages. The qualitative data was first organized into themes corresponding to the study objectives. The study found that school focused culture majority (53.3 percent) of the teachers strongly agreed that the school was achievement oriented. Majority (54.7 percent) of teachers strongly agreed they were expected to act in conformity to the rules of the school. Concerning collaboration majority (54.7 percent) stated that working with other teachers was of utmost importance. Regarding teachers opinion on coordination, majority (62.7 percent) of teachers stated that working together in an efficient and organized way was very important. The reseacher concludes that most schools were achievement oriented hence most schools were very focused this concurs as an achievement orientation and an academic emphasis are related to performance. Concerning collaboration respect among teachers was important as most members agreed that they respect one another, this is because respect is an important value that fosters collaboration in school. Most teachers viewed it is important to enhance close cooperation as it increased team spirit. Most teachers strongly agreed that mutual understanding was very important among teachers. Overall collaboration was very important among teachers as it lead to the successiful performance of KCSE. Most teachers were expected to try out something new hence it was important for innovation purposes as many times innovations are not put into practice because they conflict with deeply held internal images of how the world works. Most teachers agree that that school tries to be at the forefront of implementing new technologies for educational purposes. Most teachers were expected to have an innovative attitude. Most teachers felt introduction of new things for educational purposes was important. Further the researcher concludes that most teachers agree that there are appropriate measures to reach objectives. Most teachers agree that school stability was highly valued this is because constant staff movement causes unnecessary disruption to education. Overall most teachers find it important to have control since it will enable the leader to steer the school in positive direction guided by goals and objectives. The researcher therefore recommends secondary schools should maintain and improve focus to achieve excellence and meeting their goals. Schools should try to control risks as taking risks is important for positive change in the school performance. Schools should enhance collaboration and collegiality as it enhanced their understanding and creating effective working relationships. This in advance help teachers to overcome problems in carrying out their duties. Innovation is important in finding ways to make students understand their course work better hence school teachers should be given the ability to innovate on curriculum delivery. Innovation is important as it encourages creativity and helps solve problems overall. Schools leadership should look for ways to maintain stability as instability affects students performance. It is also important for headteachers to involve teachers in decision making and policy formulation as it will create feeling of ownership.en_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Nairobi, Kenyaen_US
dc.titleInfluence of School Culture on Students Performance on Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education, Kikuyu District, Kenyaen_US
dc.title.alternativeThesis (MED)en_US

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