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dc.contributor.authorLimo, Judy J
dc.description.abstractThe world has in the past three decades experienced a succession of disasters such as floods, fires, storms, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and landslides. Fire outbreaks that carry the danger of causing disasters have been a concern both in urban and rural areas. In urban areas fire has been occurring in buildings used for various purposes including residential, commercial, educational, office space, as well as other mixed purposes. Fires are common in Nairobi's slums but urban disasters receive a 'baftling' lack of response from aid agencies, indicating major gaps in urban crisis preparedness (IRIN, 2011). The purpose of the proposed study was to investigate the factors that influence the increase in fire incidences in the informal settlement with a specific focus on Mukuru slum. Specifically the study sought to attain the following objectives: To establish the influence of illegal electricity connections on incidences of fire in Mukuru slum; To establish the influence of increased congestion/population on the incidences of fire in Mukuru slum; To determine how handling of inflammable sources of energy in homes influence incidences of fire in Mukuru slum, and; To establish the influence of construction materials used in homesteads in Mukuru slum on incidences of fire in the slum. This study used descriptive survey design. The target population of this study were the 600,000 adult residents of Mukuru slum occupying 110,000 households (UNDP, 2010). A quota sampling on the households in the area was used to select the study sample. Data was collected from the selected sample using semi-structured questionnaire. The developed questionnaire was administered to the selected subjects in their homes. The questionnaire was hand delivered to the respondents. Collected data was analyzed using descriptive statistics such as percentages, means and proportions. Cross tabulation was also applied as a data analysis technique which measured how the variables in the study were related. Qualitative data from open questions was analyzed using content analysis and presented through narratives. The presentation of findings was through tables. Findings indicate that illegal connection of electricity highly influences the increase of fire incidences in Mukuru slum. This is the major contributor to tires in the slums. Congestion has to a great extent increased fire incidences in Mukuru slum. Poor handling of inflammable sources of energy in homes like kerosene and gas have also contributed to the increase of fire incidences in Mukuru slum. However, construction materials used in homesteads in Mukuru slum have only contributed to increase in fire incidences to a small extent. Recommendations made include educating residents on fire hazards and safety through proper handling of inflammable sources of energy. Kenya Power should also carry out a sensitization program on illegal connections of electricity and work together with the government and residents to see how this can be managed. Slum upgrading is another recommendation to replace the poorly designed houses with permanent ones. Finally, fire disaster management infrastructure like fire fighting equipment should be enhanced.en_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Nairobi, Kenyaen_US
dc.titleFactors that influence the increase in fire incidences in informal settlements: a case of Mukuru kwa Njenga slum in Nairobien_US
dc.title.alternativeThesis (MA)en_US

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