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dc.contributor.authorMuranja, Nancy W
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this study was to investigate institutional factors influencing implementation of Special Needs Education programmes in public primary schools in Kajiado central, district Kenya. Specifically the study sought to: examine the influence of physical facilities, teachinglleaming resources, support services, teachers' level of training and supportive environment in implementation of SNE programmes. The study further sought to establish the challenges that head teachers faced in implementation of SNE programmes. This study was based on the systems theory. The study adopted descriptive survey design, with a total of25 head teachers and 125 teachers in public primary schools in Kajiado Central district. Stratified sampling was employed to divide the district into five strata according to the number of zones in the district; the strata were: Kajiado, Enkorika, Elang'ata Wuas, Bissel and Namanga zones. The study selected 30% of the targeted population. Hence 30% of 82 head teachers (25) and 30% of 500 teachers (125). In total the sample size comprised of 150 respondents. The research instruments used in this study were questionnaires and interviews. Descriptive methods were employed in analyzing qualitative data where frequencies, graphs and percentages were used in interpreting the respondent's perception of issues raised in the teachers' questionnaires and head teachers' interviews so as to answer the research questions. There is inadequacy (94.3%) of physical facilities in most public primary schools. A few of schools have adapted some of the facilities such as classrooms and toilets (5.7%). The managers of institutions have a heavy task to put in place relevant teachingllearning resources for implementation of SNE programmes. Support services are inadequate in institutions of learning. This is attributed by lack of funds for supporting the programmes of learners with special needs. Environment is not in favour to all learners. This highly calls for all administrators to consider learners' needs holistically. Lastly head teachers experience challenges in implementation of Special Needs Education programmes such as teaching methods, motivation and finances. These findings call upon the government to give teachers incentives and trained teachers in SNE to be given special allowance to boost their morale when attending learners with diverse needs. The following recommendations were drawn from the findings; government to equip schools with necessary physical facilities to make the programme a success, the government should equip schools with adequate and necessary teachingllearning resource .Environment is not in favour to all learners. This highly calls for all administrators to consider learners' needs holistically. Teachers' level of training should be improved and sustained by training more teachers in Special Needs Education. Government should support the administrators to overcome challenges they face by providing appropriate infrastructure, adequate physical facilities, availability of teacbing/learning resources, support services, conducive environment. A similar study should be carried out on institutional factors influencing implementation of Special Needs Education programmes in other District involving primary schools in comparison with the fmdings of Kajiado Central District. Study on Individual learner's performance, access and transition rate and administrators contribution towards implementation should be carried out. A research on the role of Educational Assessment and Resource Centre towards implementation of Special Needs Education programmes. Lastly; need to equip all teachers with knowledge and skills in SNE in order to support the full implementation of Special Needs Education programme.en_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Nairobi, Kenyaen_US
dc.titleInstitutional factors influencing implementation of special needs education programmes in public primary schools Kajiado Central District, Kenyaen_US
dc.title.alternativeThesis (MED)en_US

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