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dc.contributor.authorWaweru, Esther W
dc.description.abstractThis study focused on the causes of turnover amongst Board of Governors (BOG) teachers: a case study of public Secondary schools in Kitui Central District. There have been under-staffing in the Kenyan Secondary schools and the situation worsened after the introduction of free secondary education. As a result of understaffing, schools employ BOG teachers on temporary basis to help the TSC teachers achieve the objectives of education. This study seeks to find out the causes of high turnover of BOG teachers in Kitui Central District as its general objective. The specific objectives of the study were to determine if poor working conditions and poor compensation are the main causes of the high turnover. Failure by the respondents to fully fill in the questionnaires was a limitation but the researcher did field-editing and requested the respondents to fill any missing information. The second chapter of the study focused on literature review; an introduction, theoretical framework and a review of what other researchers have written on turnover. Compensation, job security, job satisfaction and poor working conditions are the variables tested in this study. Chapter three of this study highlights the research design and methodology used in the study. Descriptive research was employed in the study which is a case study. The target population was thirty schools in Kitui Central District each with an average of six BOG teachers. Probability sampling techniques were used to sample the 100% school principals and 30% BOG teachers required for the study. Questionnaires and interviews were used as tools for data collection. A data analysis was aided by statistical methods and its presentation by pie-charts and bar-graphs. The analyzed provided useful information for decision making by the schools’ management, Ministry of Education and it will act as a building block for future researchers. The study embraced high ethical standards to ensure that the quality of the research conclusion is not compromised. Data was collected from 30 public secondary schools in Kitui Central District. 30 Principals were interviewed and their response was 100% as they all availed for the scheduled interviews. The BOG teachers were expected to be 54 but only 51 responded which is an average of 94.4%. Frequency tables and pie charts have been used to present the data. The conclusion of the study show that there is a very high turnover of BOG teachers in public secondary schools in Kitui Central District as 60% of Principals said that their BOG leave very often and 40% said they left often. This means that the BOG teachers in the area of study have minimal retention if any. The findings of the study show that the BOG teachers in the study area are dissatisfied with the compensation and the poor working conditions in the schools. They are also insecure working in the schools and as a result they are dissatisfied with their job. Poor working conditions, job insecurity and dissatisfaction with pay cause the BOG teachers to be dissatisfied with their job and intent to quit. The study findings necessitate the following recommendations to be made: The government through the TSC and Ministry of Education to come up with policies and standards that govern universal compensation of the BOG teachers. School principals should be encouraged to use participative leadership style in the school management and avoid threats and intimidation. This will enhance their job security and not to have security of their jobs at the mercies of the principals. The research suggests further studies on the area of study to test other variables like school characteristics and influence by colleagues on turnover of the BOG teachers. A similar study could also be carried out in private schools to find out if the findings vary or tally.en_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Nairobien_US
dc.titleCauses of the high turnover of board of governors teachers: a case study of Kitui central districten_US

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