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dc.contributor.authorGatugu, John M
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this study was to identify and evaluate the main factors influencing completion of construction projects by church organization in the case of Anglican Church of Kenya, St Andrew’s Cathedral Archdeaconry, Thika in Kiambu county. This study was guided by the following objectives: One to establish to what extent do availability of resources influence the completion of construction projects by church organization ;To determine the influence of competency of staff toward completion of construction projects by church organization ;To determine the influence of monitoring and evaluation and its influence on completion of construction projects by church organization and finally it assessed the influence of stakeholder’s participation on completion of construction projects by church organization. This study adopted a descriptive survey. The target population for this study was all 9 development committee members, 19 Parochial Church Council and 1600 church Members of Anglican Church of Kenya St Andrews Cathedral in Thika. Purposive sampling and simple random sampling was used in order to gather data required in this research. Thus all the 9 development committee members and the 19 Parochial Church Council (PCC) members were taken. A sample of 10% of the total population of church members was also applied using simple random sampling. Therefore 160 respondents formed the church members’ sample population for the study. Data was collected using structured questionnaires. A Pilot test of the measures was conducted against prospective sample population in order to measure validity. Test retest method was used to measure the validity of the research instruments. A sample size of five was chosen to form the pilot study, in order to measure the validity and reliability of data collection instruments. Data was presented using tables to make them reader friendly. There were ethical issues related to the study and they were addressed by maintaining high level confidentiality of the information volunteered by the respondents. The study found out that availability of resources and that lack of finances and lack of skilled personnel influenced effective completion of construction projects by ACK St Andrews Cathedral Thika. The study also revealed that competency of staff too influenced effective and timely completion of construction projects together with availability of resources for monitoring and evaluation. Finally, regarding objective four, the study established that stakeholder participation influenced timely completion of construction projects by ACK St Andrews Cathedral Thika. The study therefore concluded that there is a great influence of availability of resources for timely completion of construction projects. It is also concluded from the study that there is a positive relationship between staff competency and timely completion of construction projects. The study also concluded that effective and quality monitoring and evaluation plays also a vital role in ensuring projects completes in time and it is critical to set aside adequate financial and human resources at the planning stage. Finally the study also revealed a positive relationship between stakeholder participation and timely completion of construction projects. Major recommendations were that; adequate financial and human resources should be allocated and other departments funds should be used to support the projects. The necessary tools should be provided to the monitoring and evaluation teams. To ensure that ideas and perspectives are represented; members of stakeholder groups should be invited to participate in project scope identification and planning. Areas for further research work included a study on; the challenges facing effective implementation of monitoring and evaluation of Church’s construction projects. Similar study should be conducted assessing the factors influencing completion of construction projects in private and non-governmental organizations. A study should also be conducted on the impact of human resource allocation on construction projects in church organizations.en_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Nairobien_US
dc.titleFactors influencing completion of construction projects by church organization: case of Anglican church of Kenya, st Andrews cathedral archdeaconry, Thika, Kiambu countyen_US

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