Now showing items 21456-21475 of 24545

    • Strategic planning practices at Barclays bank of Kenya 

      Ofunja, Nelson O (University of Nairobi, 2015-10)
      The importance of effective strategic planning cannot be over emphasized. The process provides a sense of direction on desired future and what must be done to get there. Successful organizations recognize the importance ...
    • Strategic Planning Practices At Diakonia And Forum Syd Kenya Country Offices 

      Awilly, Martin J (University of Nairobi, 2016-10)
      According to the National council of NGOs the number of NGOs operating in Kenya has increased from 500 in 1992 to 7083 in 2014. The increase of NGOs has not been matched by an increase in the volume of donations, this has ...
    • Strategic Planning Practices at Kenya National Audit Office 

      Githinji, Sammy N (School of Business, University of Nairobi, 2010-10)
      Today, organisations in developed and developing countries operate in a more turbulent and  complicated environment. Strategic planning in Kenya’s public sector is part of the ongoing  Government reform process that be ...
    • Strategic Planning Practices at Kenya Revenue Authority 

      Ngeno, Weldon K (University of Nairobi, 2015)
      The focus of the research was on the study of strategic planning practices at the Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA). Strategic planning has been viewed as a systematic process of envisioning a desired future and translating ...
    • Strategic Planning Practices at Kpmg Kenya 

      Oketch, Michael O (University of Nairobi, Kenya, 2010)
      This study sought to determine the strategic planning practices at KPMG Kenya and the factors that influence strategic planning at KPMG Kenya. The study was done through a case study and data was obtained through responses ...
    • Strategic planning practices at Laikipia county, Kenya 

      Wachira, Kelvin N (University of Nairobi, 2014)
      Strategic planning involves articulating the direction, objectives and clear actions required to realize the desired strategic vision of an organization (Balanced Scorecard Institute, 2013). The aim of this research ...
    • Strategic Planning Practices at Law Society of Kenya 

      Kibunja Owen W (University of Nairobi, 2011-11)
      The purpose of this study was to investigate and document the strategic planning practices at the Law Society of Kenya. Different academicians and scholars have advanced that strategies can be formed implicitly as well as ...
    • Strategic Planning Practices at Nairobi City Water & Sewerage Company Limited 

      Mbugua, Abraham K (University of Nairobi, Kenya, 2010)
      Organizations wholly depend on the environment from which they obtain inputs and also discharge their outputs. For survival and success of an organization particularly in the long term it is necessary that the organization ...
    • Strategic planning practices at National Cereals and Produce Board in Kenya 

      Chelangat, Sitonik E (University of UniversitySchool of Business, 2010)
      This was a case study of National Cereals and Produce Board. The objective of the study was to determine the strategic planning practices and the challenges that National Cereals and Produce board face in pursuit of ...
    • Strategic Planning Practices at Plan International Kenya 

      Mwangi, Jackson M (University of Nairobi, 2011-11)
      The purpose of this study was to determine the strategic planning practices at Plan International, Kenya Office (Plan Kenya) and the factors that influence such practices. The study was done through a case study of Plan ...
    • Strategic planning practices at Safaricom Limited 

      Njuguna, Benson G (School of Business, 2009-09)
      There is no one clear way advocated by scholars on how institutions should go about in conducting or practicing their strategic planning practices. Different authors and scholars have advanced that strategies can form ...
    • Strategic planning practices at technoserve Kenya 

      Sirengo, Ella N (University of Nairobi, 2014-11)
      Strategic planning is a vital step in the process of decision making in an organization. It is useful in the identification of the strengths, weakness, opportunities, and threats facing an organization. It enabled the ...
    • Strategic Planning Practices at the Barclays Bank of Kenya 

      Murega, Joy P (University of Nairobi, Kenya, 2010)
      Today's organizations in both developed and developing countries operate in a turbulent and regulated environment and hence the need to establish distinctive and unique capabilities in order to gain a competitive advantage ...
    • Strategic planning practices at United Nations high commissioner for refugees in Kenya 

      Macharia, Sylvia M (University of Nairobi, 2015)
      Strategic planning is the cornerstone of every organization without which the organization will never know where it is going or whether it will ever get there. While strategic planning is important, what is of more ...
    • Strategic Planning Practices By Dairy Farmers In Elgeyo Marakwet County In Kenya 

      Murrey, Julian K (University of Nairobi, 2017)
      Strategic planning is a management process aimed at creating and executing long term strategies and goals which may also extend to the control mechanisms that guide the implementation of strategies. The concept of strategy ...
    • Strategic Planning Practices by Firms in the Telecommunication Sector in Kenya 

      Kituu, Serah N (University Of NairobiSchool of Business, 2013-10)
      Strategic planning, is an organization's process of defining its strategy, or direction, and making decisions on allocating its resources in a bid to pursue this strategy, including its capital and people. A host of ...
    • Strategic Planning Practices by Kajiado County Government in Kenya 

      Chogo, Christine L (University of Nairobi, 2015-11)
      Strategic planning involves articulating the direction, objectives and clear actions required to realize the desired strategic vision of an organization (Balanced Scorecard Institute, 2013). The aim of this research ...
    • Strategic planning practices by Kenya medical supplies agency 

      Kibuchi, John K (University of NairobiSchool Of Business, University Of Nairobi, 2012-10)
      Changes in the environment have drastically affected the way in which organizations operate. These changes are within both the internal and external environment and organizations strive to be innovative and agile enough ...
    • Strategic Planning Practices by Large Law Firms in Nairobi, Kenya 

      Kiprono, Anthony E (University of Nairobi,School of Business, 2013)
      The practice of law has over the years been termed as a noble profession guided by certain guarded norms and practices. In recent years however, there has been a paradigm shift in that law firms are now embracing certain ...
    • Strategic Planning Practices By Mainstream Retail Supermarkets In Nairobi 

      M’nthangi, Samuel K (University of Nairobi, 2011)
      Changes in the business environment are leading to new and greater demands on strategic planning systems. Moreover, given that strategic planning‘s sole purpose is to improve strategic performance, improving, assessing and ...