Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Endothelin-1 immunoreactivity in plasma is elevated in HIV-1 infected patients with retinal microangiopathic syndrome 

      Rolinski, B; Geier, SA; Sadri, I; Klauss, V; Bogner, JR; Ehrenreich, H; Goebel, FD (University of NairobiCollege of Health Sciences,University of Nairobi, 1994-03)
      Endothelin-1 is a recently identified cytokine with potent vasoconstrictor activity which is associated with various diseases involving blood vessels. HIV-1 related retinal microangiopathic syndrome is a frequent finding ...
    • Retinal detachment in patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome 

      Geier, SA; Klauss, V; Bogner, JR; Schmidt-Kittler, H; Sadri, I; Goebel, FD (University of NairobiCollege of Health Sciences, 1994-01)
      Cytomegalovirus retinopathy is the most frequent opportunistic infection of the eye in patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). We studied 71 patients with cytomegalovirus retinopathy (n = 69) or acute ...