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dc.contributor.authorKiruri, Lucy W
dc.description.abstractAlthough there has been a multi-sectoral approach to curb HIV and AIDS in most countries, subsaharan Africa still faces major challenges in trying to rein in the pandemic. Much research has been undertaken to establish the factors driving and sustaining the high HlV prevalence rates in the region and to explain why progress has been slow, despite the high levels of commitment by the various role players. One of the reasons often cited for the relatively slow progress is the poor utilisation of funds. Therefore, it is worthwhile to assess the factors leading to the underutilisation of funds. The purpose of this study was to establish the factors influencing the utilization of funds by community based organizations funded through the Total War against HIV and AIDS (TOWA) project. The research study employed cross sectional design to collect data from the respondents that employed a mixed mode approach which involved combining qualitative and quantitative methods of data collection This study was carried out in Nairobi Region A total of 142 respondents from organizations were interviewed and four key Infonnant interviews were conducted among the CACC coordinators. Data collection was administered using questionnaires and interviews. Secondary data was gathered through literature review. Raw data was coded and analysed through Statistical Package for Social Scientists. Quantitative data was presented using frequencies and correlation analytical tables descriptive and correlation data analysis was done using SPSS software version 18. Qualitative data was generally analyzed through a process of content analysis for themes. The study findings indicated that CBOs had received training on financial management, reporting requirements and Monitoring and Evaluation, this did translate to attainment of targets and utilization offunds allocated for project implementation. There was a significant positive relationship between staff having necessary HIV and AIDS skills for and staff having skills in Financial Management at P value of 0.000 Since the Pearson's correlation is 0.523 at a significant value of 0.01. This shows there is a direct relationship between Staff having high skills in financial management and staff having skills in HIV and AIDS to run their projects effectively. The donor reporting requirements are contributing to under spending of the allocated resources since a lot of time is spent writing reports as compared to actual project implementation of the activities. The amount allocated is not adequate to meet their targets considering the time lapse between get the first and second tranch. The study found a significant strong relationship between rate of target achievement and education level of the respondents, there is significant indication of a direct relationship between rate of target achievement and level of education. This means that with high level of technical expertise a high rate of achievement is achieved. Therefore those respondents with higher level of education reported a higher rate of target attainment compared to those with lower level of education. NACC should increase the amount of funding for the CBOs to be able to improve on the rate of target achievement. NACC is expected to improve its capacity building that will enable the CBOs successfully implement the TOWA project. Financial, project Management skills and CSO technical expertise in HIV and AIDS are of crucial in achievement of target.en_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Nairobi, Kenyaen_US
dc.titleFactors influencing utilization of funds among funded organisations in the total war against HIV and AIDS project (A case of Nairobi Region)en_US
dc.title.alternativeThesis (MA)en_US

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