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dc.contributor.authorKhalividzi, Dorcas A
dc.description.abstractVarious studies have attempted to reveal the causes of delay in start-up and completion of donor projects in Kenya and other parts of the world. Most of these scholars have pointed out that delays in funds disbursements, poor project preparation, government bureaucracy, among other causes were found to be significant factors affecting completion of donor project. It is however evident that most considerable delays during project start up, delays successive project activities thus delaying project completion. Most of the projects experience lengthy projects gestation periods of average 24months (period from signing of the loan to first loan disbursement) that cause unnecessary time and project overruns. Hence, this project mainly focused on loan effectiveness since it is this factor that determines timely project start up in donor funded projects. The purpose of this study therefore sought to assess factors that influence loan effectiveness in donor projects in Kenya, Case of Rural Health III Project. Kenya’s Rural Health III project funded by African Development Bank (ADB) just like many other projects is a matter of public interest and it was evident that it took long time for its first loan allocation to be effective. Since the problem is more likely to reoccur to other starting projects, it was crucial to identify these factors and assess how they influence loan effectiveness in donor projects. This will help Government of Kenya and Project Implementers to minimize significant delays and other unnecessary costs in donor funded project thus improving aid effectiveness. The objectives of the study was to assess how Precedent loan conditions, Capacity of Project implementers, Level of Planning and Communication factors influence loan effectiveness in donor projects in Kenya. The research design used was Descriptive and the data collected was quantitative in nature. The sample size of 176 was used, which was drawn using simple random sampling from a stratified population of Project Management Unit, Ministry of Health and National Treasury Staff. The information was gathered by use of questionnaires that ware administered to the sample to answer the research questions. The validity and reliability of the instrument was enhanced through guidance of my supervisor and piloting testing the questionnaire to the respondents before the actual data collection to ensure that the instrument answered the research questions of this study. Data gathered was analyzed using SPSS. The study found out that inadequate knowledge in donor disbursement rules, longer time by borrower to fulfil precedent loan conditions, inadequate staff commitment to adherence of plans, inadequate coordination of roles and responsibilities, long communication levels in the organization and inadequate stakeholders participation during earlier stages of project to be some of the significant factors that contributed to delay in loan effectiveness in donor projects in Kenya. It was concluded that for timely project loan effectiveness, there is need to improve appreciation of roles of project planning and management within projects and other relevant criteria in achievement of project goals and long term expectations .In addition, adequate borrower’s need to involve key project staff during project appraisal stages, adoption of flatter organization arrangement and joint donor and creditor staff capacity training and development and staff motivation were recommended by the study so as to minimize delay in project loan effectiveness.en_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Nairobien_US
dc.titleFactors influencing loan effectiveness in donor projects in Kenya: A case of rural health III projecten_US

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