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dc.contributor.authorBidii, Koro Philemon
dc.identifier.citationMaster of arts degree in project planning and managementen_US
dc.description.abstractSmall scale dairy farming gained popularity among many communities in Kenya. Farmers can be able to utilize the available space and gain maximally. Milk can be directly sold to final consumers and milk processors. Milk is nutritious and good for one’s health. Dairy farming is widely practiced across continents; America, Europe, Asia Australia and Africa. In first world economies, Dairy farming has been mechanized hence huge returns. Kenya and in Particular Cherang’any, is able to perform better and reach optimum utilization for maximum productivity. Research assistance and I will investigate factors influencing sustainability of small scale dairy farming in Cherang’any Trans-Nzoia County. The objectives of the study are; to examine how technology influences small scale dairy farming, to establish how access to finance influence small scale dairy farming, to find out how climatic condition influence small scale dairy farming and to find out how education levels of small scale dairy farmers influence dairy production. The theoretical framework for this study is population theory. This study targets 536 small scale dairy farmers in Cherang’any Sub-County using descriptive survey through questionnaire and observation method. The farmers will be selected using stratified sampling and random sampling while key respondent will be selected through purposive. Small scale dairy farmers will be drawn from Cherang’any and Kaplamai divisions. A sample of 30% will be sampled out for the study making 159 respondent and 3 key respondents. Research instrument will be tested for validity and reliability. Permission to conduct the study will be tabled to the Sub County Livestock and NACOSTI. Data collected will be analyzed using regression and correlation with the help of statistical package for social sciences (SPSS version 20). Findings will be presented using frequency distribution tables, mean, standard deviation and Correlation.en_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Nairobien_US
dc.titleFactors influencing sustainability of small scale dairy farming: a case of small scale dairy farmers in Cherang’any, sub-county, Trans-nzoia county, Kenyaen_US

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