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dc.contributor.authorRodah, Edward
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of the study was to investigate how principals’ attitude towards ICT, their ICT literacy level, their gender and age influences integration of Information and Communication Technology in management of secondary schools in Makueni SubCounty. The theory that was used in the study was the Technology Acceptance Theory which was designed by Davis (1989) which was based on factors influencing user adoption and acceptance of technology. The research design used was descriptive survey design. The target population was 43 principals, 135 Heads of Department in the 43 public secondary schools in Makueni Sub-County and one Sub-County Education Officer. Sampling was done by stratifying schools into boarding and day schools and then using simple random sampling a sample size of 28 principals, 61 HODs was obtained. The data was collected using questionnaires sets one for principals and another for HODs, an interview schedule was used for the Sub-County Educational Officer. The data was analyzed according to themes and objectives and quantitative data was entered into the computer for analyzing using the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS),frequency distribution tables and pie chart were used to present data. The study revealed that majority of the principals’ had a positive attitude towards ICT integration in curriculum and instruction, student personnel management, staff personnel management, and integration in financial management. Principals’ literacy levels showed consistency where those who were ICT literate integrated ICT more in performing the various administrative tasks compared to those who had no training. The study also found out that male principals integrated ICT more compared to their female counterparts. This could be because male teachers and female teachers regard computer technology as male domain. Finally, the study found out that age did not influence ICT integration in management of secondary schools. Principals above the age 40years and principals aged below 40 years integrated ICT in performing administrative tasks despite their age. The researcher found out that majority of the principals had not integrated ICT in school community relation and physical plant management. The study concludes that gender and principals’ attitude affects ICT integration in management of secondary schools while age and principals’ level of ICT literacy does not influence ICT integration in secondary school management. The study recommends that the Ministry of Education should construct computer laboratories and equip them with ICT tools this will facilitate training of teachers and administrators in all areas of management. School principals should also consider using ICT in physical plant management and in school community relations. Female teachers should embrace ICT by training more and integrating it into school management.en_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Nairobien_US
dc.titlePrincipals’ characteristics influencing integration of information and communication technology in management of secondary schools in Makueni county, Kenyaen_US

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