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dc.contributor.authorKingaru, Thumbi
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this study was to examine the influence of pre-school teachers' reflective teaching on children's academic performance in Molo District, Kenya. The review of related literature focused on the nature of reflective teaching and the benefits of reflective teaching which provided the guideline and laid the background of this study. Stratified random sampling and simple random sampling were used to come up with the required sample. A sample of24 preschools was selected for the study among a population of 151 preschools in the District. A total of 29 preschool teachers and 285 preschool children participated in the study. The data was collected using a questionnaire for preschool teachers, a preschool test for preschool children, and documentary analysis of preschool teachers. The sample was divided into two equal groups. Each group was further divided in five divisions. The two group divisions were then paired. Teachers in one group divisions received training on reflective teaching/elements of reflective teaching using a training module. The training was not given to the other group. A pretest and a posttest were administered to preschool children in both groups. The pretest was administered before treatment was given. Data collected from the tests was analysed using a computer programme SPSS statistics 17.0 for Windows. A paired samples t-test was used to determine whether a statistically significant difference existed within a given pair of samples in children's mean scores in academic performance. Data from questionnaires and documentary analysis forms was analysed manually and was used to give meaning to the children's mean score differences obtained from the tests at the two stages. Paired samples t-test at 0.05 significance level was set as the decision rule of thumb; either to accept or reject the null hypotheses. The main findings of this study indicated that there was statistically significant difference in children's mean scores in academic performance in classes where teachers used reflective teaching and where they did not. The study further found out that there was no statistically significant difference when only one element of reflective teaching was employed at a time. In the latter case; however, it was found out that there was general improvement in children mean scores compared to the controls (teaching without the particular elements of reflective teaching). Based on these findings and the fact that most of the children attending preschools in Molo District, Kenya face various forms of vulnerability because of constant land, tribal and political clashes between communities who inhabit this area for the last two decades; it is recommended that preschool teachers in Molo District should be trained on reflective teaching objectives and techniques. This should be done through regular in-service courses, workshops and seminars. Further, it is recommended that reflective teaching materials, including recent research findings should be made available in preschools and resource centers in the District to enable the teachers to have a local resource on reflective teaching.en_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Nairobi, Kenyaen_US
dc.titleInfluence of pre-school teachers' reflective teaching on children's academic performance in Molo District, Kenyaen_US
dc.title.alternativeThesis (MEd)en_US

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