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dc.contributor.authorMbakaya, Margaret K
dc.description.abstractThe background of this study assessed how the structure of corporate leadership can effectively help to achieve the intended goals of Early Childhood Education (ECE). Since this is an aspect that has not been there in the ECE for long, the sector has not managed to protect the rights of children in ECE with ease. This has been as a result of the administrators' inability to steer their centres to sustainable and stable centres of protection of the rights of ECE children. The lack of proper mechanism to monitor and evaluate the ECE sector on the principles of corporate leadership has plunged the sector into an opaque, insecure and an unaccountable state. The statement of the problem for this study explicitly brings out how corporate leadership has not been exercised in the ECD sector; this has made its integration in the ECD centres a hefty challenge translating to the rights of children being shelved aside in all or most ECD centres; due to unprofessionally management based on the proprietor's line of thought or the indirect management of the host primary school administrators. The purpose of the study was to 'determine the influence of corporate leadership on the rights of children in ECD centres in Baringo County; by illustrating how decision-making safeguards the rights of children on ECD centres; determining the effect of ECD curriculum supervision on protection of the rights of children in ECD centres; investigating the role of staff development in safeguarding the rights of children in ECD centres; establishing how institutional development safeguards the rights of children in ECD centres and to find out how influencing of staff motivation on protection of the rights of children in ECD centres, in Baringo County. Descriptive survey design was adopted with focus on the influence of corporate leadership on the rights of children in ECD centres. The target population was the staff of ECD centres in Baringo County. Stratified random sampling technique was used to select a sample of 52 ECD centres as target. The study found that Corporate leadership is necessary and vital towards the accomplishment of the protection of the rights of children in ECD centers, the ECE curriculum supervision has played a fundamental role in protection of the rights of children to quality education in the ECE sector, on institutional development, the study found out that it has been very effective in bringing about results based on better or improved working conditions, good teaching materials and aids, and motivation of pupils to learn, it was also found .out that staff motivation enhanced employees' taking of initiative, improved accountability, team work and professional capacity. The researcher, from the evidence given, concludes that the current state of corporate leadership implementation in ECD centers as a key to protecting the rights of children is wanting. The study made the following recommendations for policy action; corporate leadership should be implemented fully in all ECD centers to enhance the protection of the rights of ECD pupils; the existing state of corporate leadership in ECD centers administration should be reviewed since it does not fully encourage pupils' rights protection and the teachers and administrators need to be trained more on corporate leadership as the current understanding of many is inadequate. The study also proposed further research on the need to address much more comprehensively the direct indulgence of corporate leadership to the protection of children's rights in ECD centers.en_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Nairobi, Kenyaen_US
dc.titleInfluence of corporate leadership on protection of the rights of children in ECD centres in Baringo County, Kenyaen_US
dc.title.alternativeThesis (MEd)en_US

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